Getting Out of Your Fitness Funk



Let’s talk about fitness funks. When I say fitness funk, I’m talking this funk where you have a bad relationship with working out and struggle to fuel your body correctly. You either completely dread doing it, or you can’t seem to get yourself to go do it at all. These funks don’t have to last forever! There is a way to get re-energized and re-motivated to conquer your goals. In this episode of Embrace Your Real, I provide you with all the tools and mindset shifts you need for breaking free and finding your passion for health and fitness again. I give you a detailed looked into what my fitness funk looked like, and give you a step-by-step guide on how I got myself unstuck. And, I’ve never felt stronger! Tune in so you can, too.

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I promise, it will be exactly what you need for getting yourself out of that funk. Check it out here.


Hey there, beautiful human, you're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter, a podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode I get you a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real Let's get in, let's go.

Hey, hey, thank you for joining me for another episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast. I am so grateful that you are here. Today I want to talk to you about something that I know that we all go through, but most of us really have no idea what to do about it. Either that or we kind of have an inkling of what to do, but we just want to deny it because it's easier to do it in the moment.

What I'm talking about today, drumroll please is, getting out of a funk. When I say a fitness funk, I'm talking about this funk, where you kind of have a negative relationship with working out and feeling your body optimally. It's like you either completely dread doing it, or you can't seem to get yourself to do it at all. I know there's multiple different types of fitness funks that I personally have gone through. Speaking from experience, there has been times where I've dreaded it, but I've still gotten it done. There's times where I am completely just off of grid like not even doing it at all, I can't seem to get myself to do it. 

So I kind of know all the different spectrums. So it leaves us in this weird funk where we can't seem to break free because we know that it's something good for us. We know that it's going to actually give us more energy. We know that it's going to make us feel better, but we just can't seem to break free from it and it can kind of feel really hopeless, can you guys relate to this? It's like, you just feel so much in your head and you just feel like oh my gosh, the world is crashing down. I don't know what to do.

Today I want to share my experience with you. Like I said, firsthand experience. I'm going to share with you what led me into my latest fitness funk and how it made me feel about myself and then what I did to get myself out of it. Before we dive into today's episode, I just want to personally thank you for all of the support that you have given me on this podcast. It honestly means the absolute world to me and one of the easiest ways that you can help support the show is simply by pressing subscribe, rating, reviewing. I love reading your reviews. 

When you do that, not only does it ensure that you never miss an episode because you will get notified every single time I release a new one, but it also helps this podcast reach more women just like you. So I super appreciate you guys. I'm so grateful for you. So, first I kind of want to talk about how I found myself in a fitness funk in the first place, specifically the one last year. If you've been following me on my Instagram story or on my Instagram for the last, I would say, six to nine months, you probably have really seen me talk a lot about honoring your body with movement and encouraging you daily with the daily polls I've done and dusted and just reminding you to move your body. 

This kind of stemmed from a fitness bank that I found myself in last year, which was really in April, May and June, of 2019. I just found myself being super complacent and it was like I have been in this industry since 2013. So I've been in it for a while, about seven years. If you know anything about my story, you know that I've competed, I won my bikini pro card. Then the moment I won my pro card, I stepped off stage and I said, I'm never going to compete again. It was just not something in my heart and my soul, but really just kind of sticking to a lifestyle of fueling my body optimally and moving my body.

Throughout the time, I would say overall, bird's eye view, I've been pretty consistent but there's definitely been times where I've gotten in these fitness funks. I would say 2019 was definitely one that kind of snuck up on me but I found myself in this place where I was just super complacent. It was easier for me to tell other people what to do and then yet, I was kind of hiding behind my screen, just feeling frustrated, feeling embarrassed as a, "influencer or coach," because here I am telling other people what to do and I wasn't practicing it myself. 

It was just, I don't know, it gave me a lot of anxiety and guilt and frustration. So what I found myself doing was just kind of going through the motions, but I was definitely the least consistent I had been in years, for sure when it came to my movement. So it was, I look back on my Apple rings, which is something that I'll talk about later in the show of just having like that external motivation, but I look back on my Apple rings and it was like, two or three days on, and it was like four or five days off.

It was just super inconsistent and what I wasn't really doing was moving. Number one, I was not moving my body consistently, and two, I was just being super relaxed on fueling my body, which to me, sometimes when I am not actively counting my macros or being more aware of it, I tend to eat less protein, which tends to give me a bigger appetite for foods and I love carbs, y'all. I love carbs. I love fats. 

So for me it was just over eating, it wasn't bingeing, it was just overeating consistently, not fueling my body enough protein knowing that my caloric intake was definitely higher than especially compared to the movement that I was not having. So for me not really moving my body, it just got me in this place of feeling exhausted all the time.

Emotionally, I was kind of all over the place last year. I was just not as confident in my body. I felt like a fraud if I can be completely 100 with you. I just felt like here I am, showing up for people, in my inner circle, in my inner community, on social media and yet I'm not doing it myself. I also felt like when I wasn't fueling my body enough, I was not having the energy to conquer my day, to conquer all the things that, all the different roles that I play. I just kind of got to this breaking point where I looked at myself in the mirror and I have been doing a lot of personal development work. So I think it was just this aha moment, honestly.

I woke up and it was little things over time that I think probably built up to this one moment where I just woke up and I was just like, ah, enough is enough. Even though in June, I woke up with so much frustration, I still like, I didn't actually get out of the funk until the end of July, which I'll talk about what exactly happened and how I got out of the funk. I think it was just a series of things. At that time, we were renovating, we found our new love for shiplap, oh my gosh, Chip and Joanna Gaines, bless their heart, bless Fixer Upper, bless magnolia, all the things.

So we were just renovating a lot and that was kind of a big change in our day to day routine, which, routine is so important you guys. So if you are going through a career change or you're going through a relationship change or just going through a life change, like something is not normal or normal, I say in maybe it was a previous season that you were going through, and now it's a different season and so it's a new normal, right? So that can cause a fitness funk. 

So I kind of got to this place where I was like, I know that I'm not, number one, honoring my body with enough movement consistently and I know that movement helps me so much. Two, I know that I'm not fueling my body enough and the third thing that I recognized in this kind of aha moment was I'm kind of just going through the motions of my gratitude, which you guys heard in the last episode talking about the 10 things that set my day up for success. I am a huge believer in my morning routine and even though I was still doing my morning routine, it was kind of like I was just going through the motions of it. 

So I kind of found myself in this place where I was not fully committed to it, or I once was, but I had not given myself the opportunity to recommit, which is huge. That's something that I think we often overlook, right? We set a goal, whether this was like a weight loss goal that you set years ago, and you're still on your weight loss journey, or it was just an overall commitment to living a healthier lifestyle but that was like six months ago, or a year ago or two years ago, or three years ago, and you just have not revisited it. 

Whether that has just been, time has slipped away. You haven't really thought about it. You didn't really know that that was important but that's kind of where I found myself. I in 2015 2016, I committed myself to just living a sustainable lifestyle and learning what that was and since then, since those two years I didn't really take a lot of time in 2017, or 18, or even the beginning of 19, to actually redefine what it was and what it looked like in that season of life.

I talk about this a lot, and how our seasons of life will change and as a result, our training will look different, the way that we honor our body with nourishing it, with what it means, and the different various things that we do in our life and the goals that we have, that's going to change as we change and we evolve. So I realized that I did not do that. I didn't sit down and actually recommit myself to something and I was kind of stumbling across, just kind of like googling and doing like, how can I recommit, what are some things that I can do.

I came across this concept called the action intention gap, and I heard it from Scott H. Young but essentially, it's when our actions don't match up to our intentions. So in this action intention gap, he talks about three different steps. So I'm just going to walk you through what I did and what I evaluated as I was going through this kind of aha moment last summer, which this now was at the beginning of July. So I woke up in June, the end of June, I was like, I am not happy where I'm at.

Didn't really take action, didn't really recommit anything. Then July came, and I, at the time turned 29 and I was like, oh my gosh, this is like the last year of my 20s. How do I want to live it? I just feel like I'm living, I'm going through the motions. So for me, when I came across this, I was like, oh, this is so good.

So basically, his step one was what do you intend to do. So for me, I really had to get more clear on what my intentions were because if you have a goal, you've got to understand your intention. He talks about, it's not just the intention of I want to start working out more. It's the intention of getting super specific and saying, I want to start moving more, which means that somewhere in my day, every single day, I will make it a point to do 30 minutes of movement every day. So it's kind of like really getting crystal clear on that intention. 

I think I had realized that I just kept telling myself, oh, I just need to move more. I just need to be more consistent with working out and it wasn't specific. I was like, okay, in this season of life, right now, 30 minutes of movement. That movement at the time doesn't have to be a workout. It doesn't always have to be a workout. It can be a walk with the dogs. It can be a hike with a friend. It could just be like cleaning my house, like just being more intentional about movement. So that's when I got crystal clear on understanding my intentions. Then in step two of this, he suggested that we have to understand who we are as a person. 

I love this because I love being self aware and I love talking about the importance of self awareness, and how can really help you in your goals, in your relationships but I never really actually did it myself, if I can be 100 with you. I never really understood that who I am as a person really affected my intentions. So identifying that like, if you're the type of person to set a lofty goal and you're doing it great like I know for me, I'm kind of an all or nothing person, but I also set really big dreams and expectations, which is a good thing but it's a double edged sword because it can help you propel and achieve incredible goals, but it can also give you this guilt and anxiety because you are setting these unrealistic goals for this season of life that you're in. 

So if you're this type of person that drops the ball after a week or two, you've got to understand why you do that. You've got to really identify like, what are your strengths, what are your weaknesses, what are the things that you're holding on to or the stories that you're telling yourself about past failures on repeat, and ask yourself, why you have failed because all of us right now listening to this, we've all had goals that we maybe have set one time or 10 times that we haven't achieved yet.

I know for me, I have so many goals that I still want to achieve, but I have to ask myself, why have I not achieved that? What about it in the past, held me back from achieving that goal? A lot of times, if I can be frank, it was that I wasn't clear on the intention or I was unrealistic in that season of my life, and I just had an unrealistic expectation for myself. So step two is really understanding yourself as a person.

Then in step three, he suggests that your angle should have two parts. So the first part is aligning your intentions with a goal. So let's just say your goal is to lose weight. So you're focusing on achieving your rings, or you're focusing on achieving whatever it is in your Fitbit and you've been trying that for months, but you haven't actually lost anything. The next thing that you need to focus on is adjusting your intentions to do something different, like focusing on your nutrition as well. So this could also be like habit stacking.

So your goal is, I want to lose weight. So you initially have this goal of like, I'm just going to work out more, I'm going to hit my rings or I'm going to do 10,000 steps or whatever it is, but you actually haven't achieved the goal. Maybe you need to add another habit, you need to add another thing on top of that's going to align your intentions with your goals. So that is focusing on your nutrition. 

Then the second part of this is aligning your intentions with action. So let's say you're like, I'm trying to lose weight, I've been hitting my Apple rings. I haven't lost anything. So now I'm going to try to be more intentional with my nutrition. So you're trying to focus on your nutrition and eating according to what your body needs, but you find yourself going off plan, especially on the weekends, again, being self aware and recognizing your strengths and weaknesses.

So now you're aligning your intentions with your actions. You're like, okay, if I want to be more specific with my nutrition, I'm going to need to redefine my plan to make sure that I am aligning and following through on my actions. So this could be like pre planning things for the weekend, so that it's less likely that you'll fall off track because you are already pre planning like delicious food into your macros or whatever your eating plan is, you are aligning that. So this concept of the action intention gap was super interesting to me, because I had just realized, oh my goodness, number one, I did not really understand what my intentions were. 

Number two, I wasn't identifying specifically who I was as a person in relation to my goals and my intentions. Three, I was not allowing myself to constantly align myself more with my intention to a goal or intention to an action. So if you want to read more about it, again, Scott H. Young, action-intention gap, it's super interesting. That kind of just like propelled me into wanting to really get crystal clear on what I wanted. 

So for me, I committed to three habits to get myself out of the funk. So the first one was really sticking to my gratitude journaling practice, but I wanted to amp it up and I wanted to get very intentional with it instead of just feeling like going through the motions. So, at that time, I was like, okay, I need to remind myself of who I am, I need to remind myself of whose I am and then I need to constantly train my subconscious brain of what it is that I'm chasing. 

At the time, back in July, of 2019, I was like, this is my last year of my 20s I really want to feel my best. I told myself I started writing this in my journal, I am in the best shape of my life, physically, mentally, spiritually, relationally, financially, all the things. I just kept telling myself, I'm in the best shape of my life, even though starting out, I did not feel like I was in the best shape of my life. I didn't. 

I told myself that and I reminded myself of that and because you're constantly training your subconscious brain, your brain will do what ever it can to align actions throughout the day to that belief. I wasn't in the best shape of my life at the time, but I was telling myself, this is what I am. So it was training my subconscious. So the first habit was really just sticking to my gratitude journaling practice, being super aware and grateful for where I'm at, but also having this intention of being in the best shape of my life. 

Then the second habit was really redefining what movement look like for me. So previously, if you've been following me for a while, or maybe you're brand new, since I started in my fitness journey seven years ago, I have really always just worked out at a gym. I will tell you that, I mean, working out at a gym did not come natural when I first started, which I'm so grateful for my husband, Joshua, because he really taught me everything that I know in terms of lifting and gym etiquette and helping me overcome gym intimidation, which is a whole nother podcast episode that I would love to chat with you guys about, but I had to redefine what movement look like for me. 

So for me in that moment, I had kind of been toying with the idea of no longer working out at a conventional gym and there was a couple different reasons why. Number one, I was obviously not consistent. I was finding it harder and harder to get to the gym every day and I had previously even back in November, of 2018, I was struggling too. So I thought, well, maybe it's just the gym environment, which sometimes for people, if you just change up your environment like you go to a different gym or different location of a gym or maybe even a different time of day, that can do it for you. So I would encourage you to test it out. 

For me at that time, I was like, well, maybe it's just that I need to get a just different gym membership somewhere else because I had previously been working out this other gym for a very long time. I just thought, maybe it's just a new environment. That did help, definitely. Like November, December, January, I would say I was pretty consistent for it being the holiday season. I really enjoyed the new gym, but then I kind of fell back out of it again.

I started recognizing that if I would take a day off or if I didn't go to the gym, it was like this extreme guilt that I wouldn't even move my body. It was like oh, if I can't get my workout in, in a gym, like in a conventional gym, then did I even work out? I kind of laughed off home workouts. I kind of laughed off like a hike is not really a work out, like it's not moving your body, it's just, this is kind of what I was going through. I know that some of you guys can relate to this and I think honestly, for me, it was just that I had previously worked out in a gym for the entire length of my healthy lifestyle thus far, like leading up to it. 

So that is how I defined working out. I think I just didn't even look at it as movement really, it was working out was my form of exercise and working out to me meant a gym meant lifting weights, meant sometimes doing cardio at the gym, but mostly lifting weights. I just didn't look at movement differently. So I challenged myself to really look at movement as moving my body. Now that I'm talking about it, it sounds very simple, but it was this aha moment of like, you got to redefine what movement looks like and you got to recognize that just moving your body is honoring your body.

If you can remind yourself that you're honoring your body every time you move, it doesn't always have to be a conventional gym workout. In fact, you'll probably have more fun if you add other types of movement in. So it was like this aha moment, where I was like, Oh my gosh, I just need to move my body for 30 minutes every single day and that's what I told myself. It doesn't have to be a workout, I can just move my body. I am going to tell myself every time I move my body that I'm honoring my body, and that's kind of where the hashtag, honor your body with movement and that whole talk has stemmed from.

Really, I said it on my Instagram when I got the aha moment and I was like, I'm going to honor my body with movement every single day for at least 30 minutes. I think that 30 minutes came from, it was just enough for it to be a little bit inconvenient, seven days a week, but it did not feel unbearable, if that makes sense. I think that that's a pretty And when you are identifying a new goal, or you're recommitting to something. So I was looking at my season of life, and I was like 30 minutes is just enough for me on days that I don't want to move. 

It's just enough for me to be like, okay, let's do this but it's not too long to where it didn't feel like overwhelming like I couldn't do it. We all have 10 minutes and 10 minutes and 10 minutes, three 10 minute increments. You all have that throughout the day, even if that's like cleaning your house for 10 minutes at a time, taking the dog for a walk for 10 minutes, going to the park with your kids for 10 minutes or whatever it is. We have 30 minutes every single day, it's just a matter of prioritizing it.

I told myself 30 minutes of movement every single day and at that same time, I had a crazy idea of challenging myself to work out at home, because we had just gotten weights from my dad. He was actually moving from Colorado to California and he had a bunch of dumbbells and he was like, hey, do you want these and it was kind of the first time I was like, I mean, maybe, I don't know. I kind of go to the gym, at the time I was like, I have a gym membership. I don't know if I'm going to use these but something inside of me was just like, just take it. This is incredible opportunity.

So I remember that I had all the dumbbells downstairs in my basement, and I was like, we have a spin bike, it's an older spin bike, but it works and it was great. I had kind of gotten a little bit more consistent with using that at home when I was finding myself just not going to the gym at all previously. So I was like, I'm just going to try this out. I'm going to try and move my body for 30 minutes. Sometimes it will be outside, sometimes it will be inside, sometimes it will be a workout. 

That's just kind of where I started at, for me, was reasonable and was manageable. Then the third part was, I am really going to dial in my macros simply because I know when I eat enough and I'm drinking enough water I feel my best. Previously, we were buying meal prep, from a meal prep company. I think I just kind of got burnt out on that. So I challenged myself to start cooking more. Also, I think this kind of was like, I'm 29, I need to start cooking more.

It was just this goal that I wanted to set for myself was to just be more educated about how to cook, which might sound crazy to some of you, you guys, some of you might be on the same page with me, but really kind of get back to the basics of at least meal prepping my protein. So because I work from home, it's easier for me to go multiple times down to the kitchen and make something quick. 

What I was finding was if I didn't have anything prepped, it was impossible for me to stick to my macros, even 80% of the time because I was constantly like, well, what do I make? Well, what do I have, I don't know what to do. So the easy way out was you know, let's just have Chick-Fil-A or whatever. So for me, I was like, hey, I want to get better at really hitting my macros and drinking enough water. 

So I decided to start meal prepping protein. I would grill chicken, I would make ground turkey and then I would just prep some of my vegetables that I knew that I could throw in with a salad or I could have on a burger or whatever it was, it was super easy for me to go into my fridge and at least put together some sort of protein and then have some sort of veggie and then we were also meal prepping quinoa and rice just to have four meals. 

Then sometimes I would stick a bunch of sweet potatoes in the oven, so then I would have those. So just kind of like going back to the basics of not every meal having chicken and sweet potatoes. Absolutely not. I could never do that, but having stuff that was constantly allowing me to fuel my body optimally for what it needed, and then also being super intentional about drinking enough water. So going back to the basics, setting the alarms on my phone every couple hours checking in with me, how are you doing with water, literally setting an alarm on your phone that says water check?

So that's what I did. I am absolutely 100% in Enneagram number three after I kind of established all of these things. So it was like my mindset with journaling and reminding myself, my movement and redefining what movement was and then really getting more intentional about macros. By the time I got to the realization it was like July 21, I want to say and I was like okay, I am going to publicly commit to closing my rings every single day, hitting my macros and just journaling in my journal every day for 30 days.

So I got on my Instagram story July 29, 2019 and I said, I am doing a close ring challenge. This is not a calorie focused challenge. This is a challenge simply to honor my body, right? I just love the Apple Watch, because it's a very external thing but I wanted to make sure that I was not calorie-focused, because I know that that can go down a whole another rabbit hole with being obsessed with it and whatnot. So for me, it was like, I just needed to nail down consistency, and then see where it took me. So July 29, I started, I literally was like, I'm going to start August 1, but I started personally July 29.

It was incredible. There was an incredible community of women that came alongside me, that encouraged, we encouraged one another last August and it was just amazing to see other people kind of raise their hand and say, goodness me too. I've been complacent in my fitness journey. I've been complacent with eating optimally. Yeah, that's kind of where it started. Kind of backtracking again, it was just really getting clear on what I wanted, who I was and then aligning my intentions to my goals and aligning my intentions to my actions. 

So once I started doing this, it's wild you guys. Once you start actually compounding small things and I think that's the biggest thing that I've learned since doing this, which now I am with 30 minutes of movement every single day. I believe I'm like at 227 days. I just got a notification on my Apple Watch, which is amazing, like so crazy to me that I am, I think I got the notification, you're 75% to 365 days, which is crazy. I want to reiterate, this is not working out 30 minutes every single day, this is moving my body some days, that looks like literally cleaning my house or doing laundry or whatever, just actually being intentional, about 30 minutes of some sort of movement every single day. 

So for me, I think the biggest thing that I learned was, it's the small things that make or break it. I am currently reading a book called The Slight Edge, and I believe it's by Jeff Olson but basically he talks about how important the small things are, because it multiplies over time, and he just talks about why we do what we do or why we don't do what we want to do. He said, oftentimes, it's because it's super easy to do. So we sometimes overthink it and we're like oh well that's so easy to do, so that's surely not going to make the difference. 

That same thing of because it's so easy to do, it's also super easy not to do. So it's easy for us to write it off as like, oh, we don't need to do that today. Then that starts the cycle of, oh, we don't need to do it tomorrow we don't need to do it this week, we don't need to do it this month. Then you get down six months later, and you're like, oh my gosh, how did this time slip from me.

So it was super, super interesting to just learn about that, and just how compounded actions over time make massive, massive results. That has kind of been one of the biggest aha moments. Now I want to get some of the questions that a lot of people have asked me over just the course of these last six to nine months, of people just seeing what I'm doing and asking me questions. So the first question was, do I feel motivated to do these things all the time? That's like a really hot question. 

I have to be honest with you guys. Absolutely not. I am 100% human just like you but I think one of the biggest game changers for me was recommitting, right? I think about we're coming up on our five year anniversary, Josh and I, and I'm really thinking about commitment and how beautiful it is to be committed to one another in a relationship with one another.

Just the beauty of what commitment is, and translating that into the commitment that I made to myself and constantly reminding myself of the commitment and that's what I do in my journaling practice. I'm constantly reminding myself I'm in the best shape of my life, not just physically but mentally, spiritually, financially, relationally and reminding myself that when I take care of myself, I feel my best so I can give my best. 

I think it's just a matter of going deeper than motivation because motivation is honestly BS because our brain plays so many crazy games on us and going deeper into the commitment part. I'm reminding myself progress over perfection, consistency over perfection and just remembering that inconsistent action over time is better than perfect action inconsistently. So just remembering that, we're all going to have our days, we're all going to have our days.

There have been days where I'm like, looking at my rings, and I'm like, I have not moved for 30 minutes, I have not honored my body with movement. So I turn on my Apple Watch, and I walk laps around my house, like I just got to move. I just got to move and I always feel better after I move. So just remembering that, remembering how I feel, and really trying to get my brain to feel what I feel after I move and remind myself how good it actually feels. 

Another question that I get is, what do you do or how do you motivate yourself when you're lacking motivation. Again, I kind of just touched on this, but I tell myself to just start and sometimes you can just trick your brain into it, right? Like, you're just like, okay, I'm just gonna go move for five minutes. Then when you're at five minutes, you're like okay, just five minutes more, just five minutes more and some days, that's all you need is that five minutes and you're like, I'm good. 

Other days, it's just constantly telling yourself five minutes, the next five minutes, the next five minutes, and you're just focusing small thing by small thing and over time, again, consistency compounds. Another thing that I do when I'm not feeling motivated, is I talk about it publicly. That is a huge form of accountability for me and that is something that I would encourage you to do. You all have a tribe of people that follow you, whether it's your close friends and family, or it's people that just follow you on social media. 

It's a beautiful thing when you stand up and say, guys, I'm not feeling motivated. You have a lot of other people that can say me too, but let's do this together and that's how you can find accountability. Sometimes I chat with a friend, I think it's really important to have that close support system of people. So whether that's an actual friend that lives near you that is in person, or it is an accountability group on the internet. 

Nowadays, it is so amazing to find other like minded people through the internet and through different programs. Those are kind of some of the things that I do to motivate myself when I'm lacking motivation. Another question that I get is, what happens when you don't do it? Like I said, I am 100% human. Do you think in the last 227 days, I've hit my macros spot on? Girlfriend, absolutely not. Do you think that I've had killer workouts every single week in these last 227 days? Absolutely not. I extend myself grace. I remind myself that I am just doing imperfect action consistently, period. 

That's a beautiful thing that I'm committing to that and I'm committing to trying again and reminding them self that, oops, okay, I'm going to do better tomorrow. Tomorrow's a new day. I got it. Again, from the book that I'm reading The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson, he talks about in the book, this quote I loved because I feel like it just reminded me that failure is inevitable and it's a beautiful thing to fall. He said in the process of learning to walk, did you spend more time falling down or standing up?

If you're anything like most babies, you failed, fell, far more times than you succeeded, walked. It didn't matter. You were on the path of mastery and I thought that that was beautiful because I think oftentimes, we look at a goal and we think the moment that we mess up, all right, well, I'm just going to throw in the towel and I'm just going to start over next week. 

It's like, just remember that the moment that you get up again, is another opportunity and the faster that you get up, the faster you'll be on the path of mastery, the faster you'll be able to actually master it so that you can continue getting deeper or achieving more and more goals. So those are some of the things that I just remind myself when I don't do these things, when I do fall because I am human. Overall it has been so, so incredible to just finally be in this place where I just feel good. I am in the best shape of my life, I feel the strongest. 

Another big thing for me that has allowed me to continue this is to revisit it. I started at this 30 minutes of movement every day and then I would say about the end of October of last year is when I was like, I'm going to try and commit to four to five days a week, working out and working out of my basement which I've been working out of my basement since July.

July 29 was the start of my journey of working out home which, if you think that you can't get a killer workout at home, girl, you got to try my Movement With Julie app because I literally base this entire workout program off of the fact that you can get an amazing workout in with a bench, some dumbbells and a band. Literally those are the only things that I have in my basement. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I do not have a fancy setup. I do not have a fancy setup. I love it. It is my therapy. 

I love that I can go downstairs and literally just have some dumbbells and a bench, use my body weight and I get a killer workout in. So if you're looking for like program, feel free to go to the show notes, we'll have the link for my Movement With Julie app. It is five brand new workouts per week, I launch five new workouts every single Sunday and it's an incredible time. There's women from all over the world. I just love that we're all doing the same workout every day. I just feel like there is this sense of camaraderie that is so irreplaceable and something that I look forward to daily to posting it on my stories or to see other girls doing the same movements. 

To me, there's something about it that motivates me beyond just the program itself. So if you're looking for something, it's like a less than a buck per day, I think it's like 66 cents per day, which is incredible. So definitely check that out. So if you're finding yourself in a fitness funk, I just want to remind you that it is possible to get out of it. Don't overthink what type of workout you should be doing or what's going to be most effective. 

I think that's the biggest misconception is, we think the only way to get out of a funk is to have something very, very, very specific and it needs to be this perfect thing and it needs to be this program and whatnot. So I shared some things that have helped for me, but it might be different for you. So I want you to take some time to evaluate it, ask yourself, don't overthink it. The biggest thing for me in this season of life, like I said, I'm currently working on at home, I have no gym membership. Will it be like that in four years or even two years, I have no idea.

I'm going to constantly reevaluate, but this is what's making me happy right now and this is what is sustainable for me. So that's why I'm sticking with it. I want you to do the same. I want you to find something that makes you happy and all that really matters is that you are consistently taking imperfect action. Remember, perfection is not something we should strive for, consistency is. So remember that, I believe in you, I definitely would recommend that you check out the action-intention gap. It's amazing.

I think that it's super helpful and practical for you. Extend yourself that grace, remind yourself that it's not going to be like this forever, and you will get out of it. If you have any questions from the this episode, please feel free to reach out to me over on Instagram, juliealedbetter, give me a follow. Feel free to DM me. I love connecting with you guys. I am going to leave you with this last quote. Showing up is essential. Showing up consistently is powerful. Showing up consistently with a positive outlook is even more powerful, and that's from Jeff Olson in The Slight Edge. 

Incredible book, highly recommend it. Girlfriend, if you are in a fitness funk, just know that it's not going to be like this forever. You have the power within you. You've got to believe that you can get through this. You got to take the steps necessary. Really get clear on what it is that you want, and I believe you can do it. That is all that I have for you and I will talk to you guys in the next episode.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today, but I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, juliealedbetter. Yes, it's with an a in the middle, for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple podcast to never miss an episode. 

Thank you so much for joining me it means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real, because you're worth it.

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