9 Easy Ways to Get Motivated and Crush Your Workouts Immediately



I feel you, sister! But let me get real with you: your life will always be busy, and you will still feel tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. These feelings aren’t going away.

If you let those feelings take away your motivation to workout, you’ll never get yourself to exercise.

Let me share a little secret with you – it’s a mind shift by telling yourself you “get” to honor your body with movement instead of “have” to.

On top of that, I will share nine best tricks to help you find the motivation to get your body moving again!

1. It takes only 15-30 minutes out of your day.

Please take a minute to think that it’ll only take 15-30 minutes out fo your day (1,440 minutes).

It is equivalent to only 1% to 2% of your day, which is not much!

If you think you need more than 45 minutes, you don’t. You can get a great workout under 45 minutes or less!

If you don’t know where to get started, consider checking the Movement with Julie app out.

2. Aim for the bare minimum. 

Sometimes, you’ll want to play a mind trick on yourself that you only need to do the bare minimum when working out. It is much better to honor your body with some movement than not to move at all.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned from working with clients is to get them focused on getting their workouts started because when they do, their bodies automatically take over in 5 minutes or less!

3. Think of how you’ll feel after your workout. 

Whenever you think that a 15-minute workout seems too much for you, do something like this: think about how you’ll feel if you don’t go compared to how you’ll feel if you do go.

When you focus on the outcome, you’ll find more reasons to do it.

For instance, if you know if you’re skipping your workout, you’re going to end up regretting it. We both don’t want it to happen.

You’d instead get through an activity to feel great after due to increased energy, better mood, and a dose of happiness!


4. Make it a necessary appointment. 

Another tip I’ve found to be helpful is to schedule workouts ahead of time on the calendar. I cannot express how helpful this can be when it comes to setting them up.

For example, I’d sit down at the table in the evening on Sunday to schedule my workouts for the week ahead.

It enables me to create blocks and ensure I am not over-scheduling myself when bringing the potential excuse like “I don’t have time.”

Try to look at it as if it’s an essential appointment like you do with doctors, dentists, etc.

It’ll give you less room to make up for any excuses, plus it’s an investment in yourself for your health and well-being.

5. Do a workout you want to do. 

When it comes to working out, your goal is to feel like you’re honoring your body with movement instead of punishing it.

If you feel like it’s a punishment or a chore, change it because you’re not doing the right type of movement.

It is one of the top reasons why people aren’t motivated because they haven’t found the workouts they enjoy.

Give yourself some room with grace, and find the movement you’d enjoy and adhere to long-term.

My recommendation is to set up 4 to 5 sessions each week, focusing on the upper body, lower body, full-body, cardio and core, and booty day.

It is the exact structure that I use to build for my customers through the Movement with Julie app; you’re welcome to check it out!


6. Picture the person you want to become.

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools you can leverage to your advantage – only when you are correctly implementing it!

Start visualizing the person you want to become and picture the exact person you want to be. It doesn’t have to be a separate time in your day where you sit in solitude.

You can visualize who you want to become when unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, going to work, leaving to go home, or any mindless tasks you do every day.

Get ready to feel how you want to feel and think of the following questions:

  • Does the person you want to become feel lighter on their feet?

  • Do they stand up taller?

  • Do they feel more energized and enthusiastic?

Work on feeling those feelings inside you.

What you’ll see regularly, you’ll start to embody that slowly becomes your reality.

It happens because your mind is shifting to align with the right choices you’ll want to make that’ll bring you closer to your goals.

Other questions to consider:

  • Would this person skip their workout?

  • Would this person make excuses?

  • Would this person make themselves exercise anyway?

Visualization will help you act like you’re already the person you’re working on becoming!

7. Set a short-term goal.

If your goal is to build the body of your dream, it may seem far away and may not feel like it’s a big deal to skip a workout or two.

I suggest creating a short-term goal that enables you to measure your fitness progress.

For example, instead of losing 25 pounds, start with a goal of losing 0.5-1 pounds each week.

It will help hold you accountable each week to ensure you’re hitting in between 0.5-1.0 lb./week.

Most clients I’ve worked with, I’ve asked them to narrow down from a statement like, “I want to lose weight,” which is a vague to a goal that is both measurable and comes with a deadline.

It helps avoid the need to procrastinate and enables you to hit your goal much faster than you think.

Movement with Julie app comes with a tool that allows you to track your progress in different way another than weight – designed to help you celebrate your non-scale victories!

It is a surefire way to keep yourself motivated while crushing your short-term goals!

8. Find an accountable partner.

You may have heard of this before, but let me tell you – it works great!

You can ask your spouse, partner, friend, or even a co-worker to hold you accountable and remind you what you’re working toward, and how skipping wouldn’t help you get there.

How does it work?

Have someone you can text or call the second you are about to feel unmotivated before your workout or to send a sweaty selfie with a smile to tell them you did it!

You’ll want to make sure your accountability buddy is willing to remind you of what you’re doing and why – no matter how persuasive you are, he or she wouldn’t fall for your excuses.

If you still struggle in finding a person to hold you accountable, consider joining the Movement with Julie. You’ll get full access to like-minded individuals who are on the same journey and become friends to hold each accountable and achieve goals together!

You’ll have an entire community of sisters who are honoring their bodies with movement and still make time to cheer you on through your trials and triumphs, ensuring you’ll have the motivation you need to conquer your workout sessions!

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9. Make it a non-negotiable. 

Instead of letting yourself to make your workout an option, make it a non-negotiable no matter what.

It’ll enable you to focus on showing up instead of contemplating it.

Think of it like brushing your teeth (to keep cavities away) or showering (to stay clean). You do these things because you know you’ll need to – it’s that simple.

You’ll want to look at working out in the same light!

Another thing to consider – the more you think about working out, the worse you’ll make it seem. Your mind builds up false ideas and forces you to dread it further. If you work on not thinking about it, you’ll stop dreading it!

Set a workout timer, don’t think about it, focus on the first exercise, and go!

No questions asked, and it’s non-negotiable.

Bonus: Put your workout clothes on!

Just get dressed without thinking about it as it is one of the best ways to get instant motivation.

It’ll help you find a reason to avoid sitting or lying on the couch when you know you have workout clothes on and ready to go!

Some clients found it to be helpful when it comes to having a gym bag in their car, some lay workout clothes on the bed when they come home from work or even wear it to bed so they’ll wake up and crush their workouts!


There you go, they are the best tips that’ll get you motivated to go and get your workout in!

I’ve mentioned the Movement with Julie app a couple of times, and if it’s something you’d like to learn more – click here, or you’d like to join by signing up right away, you can do it here.

I do this for a reason; if it works with all of the tools and resources I use in the program, I want to share it with you because I know it’ll work for you, too.

It helps me stay motivated while maintaining my dream body for the last several years!

Let me know which tip is your favorite by commenting below!