10 Things to Leave Behind in 2023



As the year draws to a close, let us reflect on the importance of embracing change for a truly new you in 2024. 

Welcome to this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast. In this episode, I lay the foundation for a transformative journey, urging you to shed old habits and mindsets in preparation for the upcoming year. Explore a curated list of 10 things that I believes are pivotal for leaving behind in 2023. Each item is carefully chosen to pave the way for self-discovery, growth, and a renewed sense of purpose. Get ready to step into the new year with intention and clarity.


What I discuss:

1. Saying yes when you really want to say no

2. Not prioritizing the things that are actually a priority

3. Doubting your ability to accomplish your goals

4. Believing you don’t deserve to get what you want

5. Thinking weight loss is what will make you happy 

6. Believing what we see on Instagram is reality 

7. Thinking it’s impossible to love the skin we are in

8. Holding onto past mistakes 

9. Stepping on the scale daily

10. Being afraid to step into your authentic self 


If you loved this episode, be sure to tune in to…

Episode 295 - 8 Things for Entering the New Year Successfully

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[[00:00:00] Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][22.5]

[00:00:29] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. The year is ending in two weeks. How freaking crazy is that? In preparation for the new year, I want us to start to compile a list of things that we are going to choose to leave behind in 2023. Something that you'll hear me say a few times before the year ends is a new year only equals a new you if you do something new. And this means that if you want to break free from old habits and mindsets in 2024, you're going to have to do something different. You're going to have to leave that behind in 2023. But in order to leave them behind, we need to have a clear idea of what those things actually are so that we can identify them and remove them. And so that's why in today's bonus episode, I've started this list for you. I'm about to share with you ten things that I think are extremely important for you to toss out the window before 2024 begins. But before we dive in, I want to share this review. It comes from Ava Gabrielle. She gave a five star review and said, I'm loving this podcast. It makes me feel so confident with what I am and who I am outside of my body. [00:01:32][62.8]

[00:01:33] You're such an inspiration and your faith makes me makes what you're saying so true. Thanks for this pod. Please don't stop. Well, Ava, I'm so grateful for you. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send in this review. And I have no plans on stopping anytime soon. So grateful that this podcast is helping you. And thank you so, so much for taking time out of your day to send in this review. Okay, so let's dive into the ten things that are extremely important for you to toss out the window before 2024. Number one, saying yes, when you really want to say no, it's a common habit saying yes to things you'd rather decline simply to avoid conflict or to please others. But in 2024, let's make a pact to honor our boundaries. I know I talk a lot about honoring our bodies, but now I want to honor our boundaries. And this means saying no when it's necessary for your well-being. This is an act of self respect. It's about reclaiming your time and energy for the things that truly matter. Which leads me to, number two, not prioritizing the things that are actually a priority. So for starters, saying no to things will help you to start to prioritize your own priorities instead of always focusing on the priorities of maybe things that aren't as important or other people's priorities. I get it. Life happens. We lose sight of our true priorities, and in the craziness of our everyday life, we sometimes forget what truly matters. We get too wrapped up in checking things off our to do list and showing up for other people when we need to show up for ourselves and our family. So in 2024, let's get crystal clear on what lights us up, what brings us joy, what makes our heart sing, and then prioritize them. [00:03:10][97.5]

[00:03:11] These are the things that deserve your attention, your effort. So start to give them your attention and effort. A few weeks before we dive into 2024. Number three, doubting your ability to accomplish your goals. This is a big one. The only reason why you can't do something is because you believe you can't do it. Like, really, that's one of the only reasons why. Because here's the thing. If you work hard, you stay consistent and you believe in your abilities, you will be able to accomplish anything that you put your mind to. You have something so powerfully deep inside of you that is so much greater than you realize. And so I need you to stop doubting yourself and start living up to your potential. I need you to believe in yourself and remember that you are created for great things. Which leads me to number four. Believing that you don't deserve to get what you want. Like this is one of the biggest misconceptions that people don't believe that they should have good things in their life, and that's just simply not true. God wants the best for you. He truly does. Sometimes his best is different from what we think our best is. But ultimately, at the end of the day, you'll realize, Oh, okay, his best actually is the best for me. And just remembering that we are all deserving of building the life that we want and becoming the person that God has created us to be, we just need to believe that. We need to believe that he has created us with the gifts and talents to do that. And so I want to remind you that you are inherently worthy of all the goodness that life has to offer. And I want you to repeat that like I'm deserving repeated again. [00:04:47][95.8]

[00:04:47] I'm deserving. And I don't want you to forget that as we head into the new year. Number five, this is a big one. Thinking weight loss is what will make you happy. Please, please, please. If there's anything I've learned in the last decade plus is that happiness is not and will never be found on the scale, plain and simple. It's a number that goes up. It's a number that goes down. If you're searching for happiness, you are not going to find it on the scale. True happiness comes from self respect, accepting yourself, having a positive relationship with your body. It's about being healthy and happy and the skin that we're in, regardless of the number that it says. On the scale. Number six, believing that what we see on Instagram is a reality. This is tricky because social media can be so deceiving. It oftentimes presents a carefully curated version of reality. And I want you to remember that everyone has their struggles and imperfections behind the scenes. And so in 2024, please stop. Let's stop comparing ourselves to the influencers, to the people, to the celebrities, to the brands, to the whatever it is that you're comparing yourself that you see online. They're only showing one side of themselves or a heavily edited version of what their life actually is. You have no idea what's going on. 99.9% of the time. And you're like, No, but they actually, you know, they get on Instagram all the time. Yeah. But if you add up those tiny little bubbles on their Instagram story, that will likely add up to maybe 10 to 14 minutes. Think about the rest of the day that's going on behind the scenes that you're not seeing or you're looking at what they post every single day. [00:06:29][102.6]

[00:06:30] Yeah, that's one post. You have no idea when that was posted. You have no idea when that was recorded. All of these things. There are so many things that are involved in that. And so in 2024, let's focus on what we want, what is actually going on inside of our life and really focusing on what makes us happy, what it looks like to honor our body, whether that be with boundaries, whether that be with movement, whether that be with nourishment, whether that be with mindset and heart work, all of those things, and not focus on what we look like on social media. We want to focus on what we're feeling like and really building a life that we love to live in rather than what it just looks good on social media. Number seven Thinking it's impossible to love the skin that we are in. It is possible when you put in the work, I'm telling you, you can show up loving your body, feeling confident in your body, feeling worthy in your body, feeling grateful in your body. You can. It is 100% possible. And in 2024, I want you to believe that it is possible. But you have to remember this. It does not start by changing the way that you look. It starts by changing the way that you treat yourself. Honor your body with movement, nourish your body with what it needs. Give your body the respect it deserves, and you will start to see a drastic shift in the relationship that you have in your body. One other thing that I talk about often, because it has singlehandedly transformed my life, is a gratitude, practice, prayer, spending time in the word. I believe when you see yourself through the lens of the way that God sees us, it allows you to respect yourself in a way that you've maybe never respected yourself before because you're seeing yourself through a new lens. [00:08:15][105.5]

[00:08:16] Number eight Holding on to past mistakes. We've all have mistakes. It's a part of being human. But here's the thing. No amount of regret or shame will ever change what actually happened. And so we need to move forward. But take the lesson learned once we move forward. Right? Those mistakes are valuable lessons in disguise. So in 2024, embrace self forgiveness and move forward with purpose. The past is behind us. Our future is waiting to be shaped. And we're going to learn, yes, we're going to learn from the past, but we're not going to be living in the past and we're going to learn and allow what the past has done to shape us for the way that we want to show up in the future. Number nine, Stepping on the scale daily. Unless your doctor has told you to step on the scale daily, which I'm betting that there's not a lot of doctors out there that are going to recommend that there is no need for you to constantly weigh yourself, especially if it makes you feel worse about yourself. So is stepping on the scale throws you into a spiral? Why are you putting yourself through that every single day in 2024? Focus on how you feel in your body when you wake up and make adjustments based on that, not based on how much you weigh. Because at the end of the day, how you feel in your body should be your number one priority and how you feel in your body has nothing to do with a silly number. And lastly, number ten, being afraid to step into your authentic self. The most important thing that I want you to let go of in 2024 is being afraid to be your authentic self. [00:09:51][95.5]

[00:09:52] Show up as who you are, show up as who God has created you to be, just as you. No hiding, no shaming, no fear. Because let's be real authenticity Is your superpower. As cheesy as it may sound, it is so true. It is what makes you well, it's what makes you you. And in so in 2024, I want you to learn to embrace it fearlessly. Being true to ourselves not only allows us to lead to more meaningful connections, but it also helps us to create a life that truly aligns with our values. You have an amazing year ahead of you. If you leave these things in the past and I'm going to support you every step of the way. So let's leave all of these things behind and 2023 and step into a year full of self-respect, self-acceptance and incredible growth. Remember that you are strong. Remember that you are beautiful and you are 100% capable of achieving anything that you set your mind to. I cannot wait to see what 2024 has in store for you. Let me quickly recap the things that we need to leave behind in 2023. Number one, saying yes when you really want to say no. Number two, not prioritizing the things that are actually a priority. Number three, doubting your ability to accomplish your goals. Number four, believing you don't deserve to get what you want. Number five, thinking weight loss is what will make you happy. Number six, Believing what we see on Instagram is reality. Number seven, Thinking it's impossible to love this gain we are in. Number eight Holding on to past mistakes. Number nine Stepping on the scale daily and number ten being afraid to step into your authentic self. If you love this episode, I know you will also love Episode 295 eight Things for Entering the New Year Successfully. [00:11:39][106.9]

[00:11:40] This is something that I talked about last year, so you can just any time I talk about going into 2023, you insert going into 2024 and anything I talk about leaving behind in 2022, insert leaving behind in 2023. But I hope that episode helps you. I hope that this episode gave you some good things to think about as you are planning to really again, just purge the things that you want to leave behind in 2023 so that you can go into 2024 in your most confident, clear minded self. And again, just remember, a new year only equals a new you. If you do something new, that is all that I have for today's episode. I love you so much. I mean it. And I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:12:21][41.4]

[00:12:28] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram. Be sure to do so, Julie. A Ledbetter. Yes. It's with an "A" in the middle for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace real because you're worth it. [00:12:28][0.0]
