10 Truths About Your Self Worth



Let’s have some REAL TALK on self worth.

I know you probably think your unworthy because you’re not perfect, or you don’t meet societies standards, or someone at work be littles you, or you simple just don’t feel like you’re good enough.

This is extremely common, yet so far from the truth.

That’s why in this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast, I want to share 10 truths about self worth that will hopefully make you rethink your level of self worth and make you realize how worthy you actually are.

But before we dive in, I first want to share this super sweet review…

What I discussed:

  1. There is no specific criteria you need to meet in order to be worthy.

  2. You can never earn, gain or have worth.

  3. You don’t need to be perfect or special to have worth.

  4. It’s impossible for mistakes cannot diminish your worth.

  5. Just because other people make you feel inferior doesn’t mean you are worth less.

  6. Criticism and feedback have nothing to do with your worth.

  7. You don’t need other people’s approval to feel worthy.

  8. You can be disliked and still be worthy.

  9. What other people say or think about you has zero impact on your self worth.

  10. God has already decided your self-worth and its priceless

Link mentioned in this episode:

Episode 63: Are Your Insecurities Worth It?

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Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Role With Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. Are you ready to have some real talk on self-worth? I struggled with this for a decade plus in my life, and I'm not coming at this podcast saying I have it all together. But I do feel like I have gained a lot of clarity in this. And I just think that if there's anything that I can help you gain more clarity on, it would just be reminding you about this topic, because for so long I really felt unworthy because I didn't meet expectations by society or these unrealistic expectations that I was placing on myself. Something or somebody at work said something about me that really belittled me, or someone in my family said something hurtful for me, or I just simply didn't feel like good enough. And this was me for a long, long time until I really leaned into just figuring out like, Dang, where does my self-worth come from? And What am I thinking about self-worth and what's a lie and what's true? And I think, although it's extremely common for people to feel unworthy and have low self-worth, it's so far from the truth. And I just want to help you gain more clarity on this topic. And so that's why in this bonus episode, I'm going to share with you ten truths about self-worth that will hopefully make you rethink your level of self-worth and make you realize just how worthy you are.

But before we dove in, I wanted to share this review. It comes from Beth 87. She gave a five star review and said, When I hear, hey, they're beautiful, human, I know I'm about to gain some knowledge in the best way possible with some real talk. I can't think Julian out for being the movement, nutrition and life coach that we all need. Well, first of all, I love this so much. I take all of those roles so seriously. Movement coach, nutrition coach, life coach. Thank you. I love and cherish all of those roles so incredibly much. And also, I think that you just gave me a new idea for some new embrace your real marriage. Hey there, beautiful human that has like a good ring to it. I think that that would be a cute little crewneck, a cute little tank top. I also have another idea for all my Julie ladies, myself included. Of course, I am a dumbbell workout addict. What do you guys think about that one? I love that one some. I talked about that in the Facebook group a few weeks ago and I was like, Yes, yes, and yes. So stay tuned for that. But in all seriousness, Bethy, thank you so much for this review. I really, really appreciate you. I value you and thank you for taking time out of your day to send in that review. Okay, so let's dove into the ten truths about your self-worth. Number one, there is no specific criteria that you need to meet in order to be worthy. I think that we think that we need to lose weight or we need to be smarter or prettier or wear certain clothes or follow a certain life path or make a certain amount of money, be the right friend in the right friend group, live in the right neighborhood, drive the right car, all of these earthly things we think we need in order to be worthy.

Right? But what you think is not the truth. It doesn't matter what you think, and it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, because at the end of the day, who determines your worth? Well, my faith in God, I believe that God determines our worth and God died for us and we are made in His image. Therefore, we are worthy. Therefore, our worth comes from him, not from anybody else. So in my opinion, there really, truly is no specific criteria that you need to meet in order to be worthy, other than recognizing that your worth doesn't come from any of those things, it doesn't come from any of those earthly things. Number two, you can never earn, gain or have worth. So kind of piggybacking off what I just said, you were born worthy. Like from the moment that you were, you breathe your first breath to the moment that you breathe your last breath. You your worth doesn't change, right? Your worth doesn't change. One day you're more worthy. The next day you messed up You're less worthy. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Girl, you are worthy. God created your worth, which means that He is the only one that determines that. And He calls you beautiful. He calls you wonderful. And you were made in his image. So remember that. That you can never earn, gain or have worth because you were born that way. And you have to accept that. You have to accept that you don't determine your worth. Nobody else determines your worth except for God. Number three, you don't need to be perfect or special to have worth. So similar to what I was just saying. I think society makes us believe that we have to become as close to perfect as possible if we want to earn more wealth.

That's the biggest lie that we allow ourselves to believe. You don't need to earn your worth. It doesn't matter if you're doing something perfectly or not. It doesn't matter if you accomplish, you know, a thousand things off your to do list without messing up. It doesn't matter if you're saying yes to everything and somehow find yourself doing it all perfectly. Like that's not realistic. It's not realistic. You absolutely can. And you absolutely will make mistakes. You can absolutely say no to things and create boundaries in your life. You can absolutely ask for help and know that you're not going to accomplish thousands upon thousands of things every single day. Those things are not connected to your worth. Which leads me to number four. Like I said, mistakes that you make. They cannot diminish your worth and they do not diminish your worth. I know that so many of us are so scared of making mistake because we think our worth is conditional. Girl, it's not conditional. We are human. We will make mistakes. It's inevitable, especially if you put yourself out there, especially if you take risks, especially if you are trying something new. Remember that this experience that we have as humans on this earth will only make us stronger. But it doesn't matter. The mistakes that you make is not conditional with your worth. Number five Just because other people make you feel inferior doesn't mean that you're worth is less than them or less than. I think sometimes people out there, they love to be condescending. They love to put people down. They love to make other people feel like they're less than. And often times this comes from their insecurity. They're in so insecure that they want to tear you down thinking that it will lift them up.

But more times than not, they will realize, Oh my goodness, I just wasted so much time tearing down so many people thinking that it would make me feel good, it would make me feel better, and it actually makes them feel the opposite. So please remember that the next time that someone belittles you or makes you feel inferior, you have to remember that that is their problem. That's not your problem. They're struggling with self-esteem issues that you do not need to participate in. So let it roll off your back, turn the other cheek, let it go in one ear, out the other. Take it with a grain of salt and just don't take it personally. And remember that what they say is not a reflection of your self-worth. It is a reflection of their own insecurities. Number six Criticism and feedback have nothing to do with your worth. We need to learn to not take this personally. And this is hard. This is not easy. It's way easier said than done. But we need to realize and really learn to put our feelings aside and realize that criticism, constructive criticism and feedback is amazing. It can help us grow. It can help us become aware of the weaknesses that we have. It can help us learn and adapt. It can help us improve and refine, and it can help us reach our goals. Remember this? And someone said this a while back and it really stuck with me. They said, if we wouldn't take advice from that person, then we need to realize that we shouldn't take feedback from them. And that really struck a chord with me because I think oftentimes if someone is criticizing me, especially, you know, I put my life on social media, our business is on social media.

And you're always going to have criticism in some way, shape or form. It's just it's it's just the name of the game, honestly. But I have to remember that those people nine times out of ten and really like 9.99, nine, nine, nine times out of ten, they don't know who I am. They've never seen me in person. They've never spoke to me. They don't know my heart. They don't know really anything about me. And so if I'm not going to ask that person for advice, I really shouldn't take that criticism. Of course, I want to see what people are saying. And of course, I want to have an open mind and ask myself honestly and say like, man, you know, do I need to say something differently next time or do I need to do something differently next time? But more times than not, we just need to remember that truth that most of the people that give us criticism or feedback that shouldn't really I shouldn't make a huge difference in our life. Of course, constructive criticism is important from the right people. And if we do respect those people and their and their feedback, again, recognizing that we can still take that feedback and that criticism, but not allow that to take away from our self-worth. If anything, it should motivate us to gain more and more self-respect so that we can grow in a certain area of our life. Number seven You do not need other people's approval to feel worthy. You truly don't. You don't need to earn your worth again. You don't need to suck up to anyone. You don't need to kiss anyone's feet. You don't need to be someone's yes man. You don't need to bend over backwards to get someone's approval so you can finally feel worthy.

You are already worthy with or without their approval. Take a minute to reflect on whose approval you're trying to gain. So the next time that you're really bending over backwards to gain their approval, remind yourself that their approval, in fact. It doesn't really matter and that you're already worthy with or without it. It doesn't change anything. Number eight You can be disliked and still be worthy. In fact, I think you will be disliked. Right. When we live in this world, God promises that it's going to be hard. He promises that we will offend people. And I think that that's important to remember. Right. You're not going to be liked by everyone, especially when you stay true to your values and when you stay true to certain things in this life, there are going to be people that disagree with you, and that's okay. That's just a fact of life. It is okay. You are not going to be everyone's cup of tea. And so I think that just remembering that truth is really important because it can waste so much of our time and so much of our energy trying to be liked by everyone. And we will compromise our values will compromise certain things because we think someone else is going to say something bad about us or whatever. And at the end of the day, I just I talked about this on a previous episode. I think it's so important to be the same person in private that you are in public. Be courageous. Stand up for the things that you believe in and stop stressing out about people liking you and really start focusing on if you like yourself and if you are aligning with the values that you have. That's truly what matters at the end of the day.

Number nine, what other people say or think about you really does have zero impact on your self-worth. And I think that this you know, it's easy said it's easy to say that it's a lot harder to actually like believe that and allow that to sink in to the point where it truly does not matter what other people say about you. Like, I am just thinking back to my college years, like how many nights would I lie awake? Just thinking like, man, what is so-and-so think about me? Or How could I gain this person's approval? Or What can I say? Or What can I do at work to make them like me more, maybe get a raise or whatever it is, get recognition publicly, like all these things. And at the end of the day, like other people's opinion about us, that really it doesn't impact our self-worth. And so that should give you a lot of freedom that should actually give you just free your mind and free your heart to know that we're not on this earth for the sole purpose of trying to get people to like us or trying to get people to appreciate us or trying to steer away from people saying bad things about us like it is what it is. And it's a beautiful thing that it doesn't affect our self-worth. Right? Stop obsessing about what other people say and realize that your worth is determined by God and God alone. Right. Which leads me to number ten. God has already decided your self-worth and it is priceless. He ultimately died on a cross for you. He loves you so, so much. And he's the one he is the only one that gets to determine your self-worth. Not your boss, not your partner, not the clicky soccer moms, not the boys on the dating app, not the cool girls that you wish that you could be like.

They do not decide your worth. God does. God does. And God alone. So stop stressing out. Stop letting other people fill that role that only God can play in your life. Remember this. You are amazing. You are powerful. You are capable. And God wants to do amazing things in your life. And He will when you remember these things, because you will no longer be focused on these earthly things. You won't be distracted. You won't be let down to the point where it's affecting your self-respect because you know that yourself. You know where your self-worth comes from and nothing else is going to get in the way of that. So I hope that this episode helps you again. I want to recap those ten truths in case your note take your number one. There is no specific criteria that you need to meet in order to be worthy. Number two, you do not need to earn or gain your self-worth. Number three, you do not need to be perfect or special to have worth. Number four, Mistakes cannot diminish your self-worth. Number five, just because other people make you feel inferior does not mean that your worth is less than. Number six Criticism and feedback have nothing to do with your worth. Number seven, you don't need other people's approval to feel worthy. Number eight, you can be disliked and still be worthy. Number nine, what other people say or think about you truly does have zero impact on your self-worth. And number ten, God has already decided your self-worth and it is priceless and it's beautiful. And He loves you so, so much. So I hope that this gives you some insight. I hope that this gives you just some wisdom and discernment when it comes to self-worth and feeling.

Less than I want to do a podcast on this. I talked a lot about self-love for many, many years, and I think that I talked about it for the majority, coming from a pure heart and it's like, love yourself and it's so important to love yourself. And while yes, that's true, I think it's important to love yourself. I think that I really want to switch my verbiage from self-love to self-respect. And the reason I think that is because self-love in and of itself, in my opinion, is really narcissistic and it's really all about you when in reality, like God calls us to put others before self, but he does not ever say that we can't respect ourselves. And I think that that's really important. And so that's definitely something that I want to talk about in the future. But I hope that this episode on Self-worth just reminds you to respect yourself and reminds you to look at yourself through the eyes of the Creator, which God loves you so much, and He never wants you to feel unworthy and place all of these earthly things in correlation with self-worth, because that kind of diminishes the whole reason why he died for you and why he believes so much that you're priceless and your gift and he wants you to live free in that truth. So again, I hope that you enjoyed this episode. If you love this episode, check out Episode 63. Are your insecurities worth it? Are they worth your time? Are they worth your energy? Are they worth holding you back from accomplishing everything that you want to accomplish? Are they worth holding you back from really living your best life? And so I talk about this. I give you some real talk on insecurities, so be sure to tune in.

That is an OG episode, episode 63. I will link that in the show notes below. I love you so much. If you have a sister or friend or coworker or daughter or someone in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this episode, I just ask that you share it out with them or you can copy the link, send it to them in a text message. You can also screenshot those posted up on your Instagram story. I love, love, love, connect with you guys. I love seeing your aha moments that it's all going to have for today's episode. I love you so much and I'll talk to you again. Thanks. Bye bye. All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, @juliealedbetter. Yes, it’s with an a in the middle for that Daily Post workout, real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember, that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace the real because you're worth it.

Julie LedbetterComment