3 Reminders About Society's Beauty Standards



In a world often fixated on appearances and unrealistic beauty standards, it's easy to forget the true beauty of our bodies. We are constantly exposed to images of flawless figures, airbrushed skin, and a constant pursuit of perfection, making us feel inadequate, insecure, and unable to live up to these unattainable standards.

In this episode of Embrace Your Real podcast, I’m going to share three essential reminders about your body that you need to hear. Use these as reminders to help you cultivate self-confidence and celebrate your true self!


What I discuss:

  1. Confidence is more important than looks…

  2. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be your authentic self…

  3. Don't let the world make you feel insecure to then just profit from your insecurities…


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Speaker 1: [00:00:00] Hey, hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Rail with Me. Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][21.7]

[00:00:30] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode on the Embrace your podcast. In a world that is often fixated on appearances, unrealistic beauty standards, it's important to forget that true beauties of our bodies, like we are bombarded with images of flawless figures, airbrushed skin, constant pursuit of perfection, and the skin really leave us feeling inadequate, insecure, and unable to reach those impossible standards. And this is why it's time to reclaim our power, embrace our bodies for what they truly are vessels of strength, resilience, individuality, beauty, and most importantly, their creation of God. God created every single one of you guys uniquely created you. And so that's why in today's episode, we're going to be sharing three valid points about your body that I know you need to hear. Think of this as just a sister to sister talk. You can use these reminders to help you cultivate self-confidence and celebrate your authentic self. [00:01:30][60.5]

[00:01:31] Before we dive in, though, I wanted to share this super sweet review. It's from Sarah Stilling. She gave a five star review and said, Preaching the truth for all to hear. I love this already. Julie says exactly what you need to hear regardless of if you want to hear it. She spills all the details about how society, our thoughts and even yourselves stand in our own way of enjoying the life that we want. I continually listen and listen to her podcast every day on my walks. There's always a new hidden gem to be found. Sarah, thank you so much. Thank you for taking time out of your day to send this in. Thank you for tuning into the podcast. I am so grateful for this community, like my podcast listeners. You guys have been here for well over 360 episodes now and it is just mind blowing. That is so crazy to me. When I first started this, I was just rewatching a video of me and I actually filmed myself. It was a pep talk and it was I was trying to record like the intro to my podcast, and this is back in 2020 before, like all the craziness happened, it was like in January of 2020. I had no idea that the whole entire world was going to shut down. It's going to be crazy. But I had been wanting to do a podcast for ever, for literally years for probably 3 to 5 years before I even launched it. And I kept talking myself out of it. I kept saying no, like, Who are you? You don't have any words to speak. Like you're just going to be like everybody else, like. And then I came across my podcast editor. She's listening to this. Charles She did me and she was like, Hey, I like, Have you ever thought about doing a podcast? And it was just like the worlds two worlds collided, the stars aligned. It was a total God God thing. Like I was like, Oh my gosh. And you know, the one thing that was holding me back was like, I don't know how to edit my podcast. I don't even know, like podcast producing, none of that. And so here we are three years later and over 360 episodes, and we're I feel like we're just getting started. We are just getting started. But I am so grateful, Sarah, that this podcast is helping you. Thank you so, so much for tuning in and man, I pray every time I get on, you know, get on to record podcasts. I just ask God to speak through me. And, you know, it is his platform that he has allowed me to have. And so I just feel honored and I never want to take this for granted. And I very cherish your words. So thank you so, so much, Sarah, for that review. All right. Three reminders about society's beauty standards. Number one, confidence is more important than it looks. Society often places a disproportionate emphasis on physical appearance, leaving many women to believe that their worth is intrinsically tied to how they look and that they're only worthy if they look a certain way. Honestly, this is one of the things that makes me so mad about society. Whether you believe it or not, confidence transcends looks. Being confident in your body is about being confident in who you are. And that is the most beautiful thing about you. No matter how imperfect you believe your body to be, true confidence comes from acknowledging your worth. Beyond those superficial attributes, it comes from recognizing the unique qualities that make you who you are. So instead of focusing on what you perceive as flaws, celebrate your accomplishments, your talents, and the values that define you. Embrace your body's capabilities, and be amazed at all of the incredible things that it allows you to achieve. It's not about fitting into society's mold. It's about standing tall and embracing the beauty of being authentically you. The you that God created you to be. So maybe it's time you focus less on what your body looks like and more time focusing on feeling confident in your body no matter how it looks. Because being confident in your body will always be more beautiful than chasing. Seeing a perfect looking physical shell. Which leads me to my next point. Beauty begins the moment that you decide to be your authentic self and walk in your most authentic self. Society may try to dictate what is considered beautiful, but true beauty is found in embracing her uniqueness and living unapologetically. The moment that you let go of the need to conform, you open the door to discovering your genuine true beauty. Look at this. Your body tells a story of your experiences, your triumphs, your growth. And this is why you need to embrace every scar, every stretch mark curve as a badge of honor that showcases the strength of your character. This is why you should allow your personality, your values, your passions to shine through, because it's your authenticity that radiates true beauty that captivates and inspires others. I've said it again and I'll say it 10 million times more, but the women that I find to be the most beautiful aren't the ones in the perfect bodies. It's the ones who fully embrace their authentic self to me. Nothing, absolutely nothing is more beautiful than that confidence and that authenticity. I don't care about your pants size. I don't care about what the scale says. I don't care about your outfit or your eyebrows, your hair color. None of that is what makes you more or less beautiful. What makes you beautiful is being you, being raw, being authentic, being confident, being 100% you without feeling like you need to keep up with society's standards. Number three. Don't let the world make you feel insecure to then just profit from your insecurities. The beauty industry, the weight loss industry, the clothing industry, they all thrive on creating and exacerbating insecurities, leading us to believe that we are incomplete and inadequate without their products or their solutions. I cannot emphasize this enough how important it is to recognize this manipulation and choose to not succumb to it. Remember that your worth is not measured by how well you fit into societal beauty standards or how much you spend on appearance enhancing products or services. You need to remember that society is making you feel less than so then they can profit off of you. You don't need that supplement. You likely don't need that skincare product or whatever it is that you think will make you more beautiful. All you truly need to do is number one, in my opinion. First and foremost, recognize that you are a child of God, beautifully and uniquely created. And number two, you need to honor your body. Number three, need to nourish your body. Number four, you need to embrace your body. Invest in those things and value your unique qualities and the qualities of others. When you stop allowing the world to profit from your insecurities, you reclaim your power and shift the focus towards embracing authenticity and embracing your body as it is unconditionally in a world that constantly bombards us with unrealistic beauty ideals. It's essential to remember that our bodies are more than just their appearances. Confidence. Authenticity. And self-acceptance. Those are key ingredients to embracing our body and celebrating the unique individuals that God created us to be. Really, By focusing on these important and empowering reminders, we can redefine beauty in our own terms. We can nurture a positive relationship with our body. So I'll leave you with this. Embrace your body, celebrate its journey, and let your true beauty shine from within. Remember, you are worthy. You are enough in God and exactly as you are right now. Let me quickly recap what I talked about in today's episode. Number one, focusing on building confidence over building the perfect looking body. Number two, remembering that nothing will make you as beautiful as simply embracing your most authentic self. And number three, don't let the world make you feel insecure to then just profit from your insecurities. If you love this episode, I know you'll also love episode 2083 Things about Life I Think you Need to hear today. I hope that this pep talk gave you something to think about, something to pray about, something to kind of just let it marinate in your brain and see kind of what feelings arise from it. If you have a friend or a sister or a coworker or somebody in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this specific episode or this podcast in general, out of Sassy, share it out with them, you can always copy the link and send it to them in a text message. You can screenshot this, post it up on your Instagram story. I love connecting with you guys. I love hearing your aha moments. Be sure to follow. Embrace your mail on Instagram if you're not already. And also you can always find me posting daily on movement with Julie and I'm trying it to become more active. I'm. My personal Julie Ayla better. But I love you so much. I mean it. And I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:10:29][537.8]

Speaker 1: [00:10:40] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A lot better. Yes, It's within in the middle for that daily post workout. Real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace the real because you're worth it. [00:10:40][0.0]
