4 Things that are “IN” (added to) my Life in 2024



Welcome back to another bonus episode! Continuing on the trend of INs and OUTs in 2024, in this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast, we’re going to dive in to what’s added to my life in 2024. Previously, we talked about what’s out. Now it’s time to bring in the “INs”. 

While many of us set health and fitness goals at the start of the year, today I encourage you to dive deeper and consider what we're inviting into our lives beyond physical changes. Drawing from my own experiences and aspirations, I'll unveil four empowering elements I'm embracing in 2024. Together, let's explore how believing in possibilities, cultivating joy, prioritizing well-being, and nurturing spirituality can transform our year.

What I discuss:

  1. Believing anything is possible

  2. More JOY

  3. Things that make me feel GOOD

  4. More time for GOD

If you loved this episode, be sure to tune in to…

Episode 412 - 4 Things That are OUT of My Life in 2024

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[00:00:00] Hey, beautiful human, can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][22.5]

[00:00:23] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. So in last week's bonus episode, I was talking to you guys about the in and out trend, and I talked about all of the things that are out for 2024. And today's episode. I want to talk about all of the things that are in. So the things that I am bringing in to 2024, and hopefully this will give you inspiration for your in list. And like I mentioned last week, if you didn't do this at the beginning of the year, that's fine. You still have, you know, almost 11 months, a little bit less than 11 months left to really prioritize. And I am a big firm believer of, you know, yesterday was the best time. Today is the second best time for you to implement something and to not live in this constant state of, oh, well, I didn't do it. And you know, well, so I'm just going to wait till next year. No, no, no, 2024. We are going into the rest of this year feeling confident and with a clear, concise plan of what we want. So in today's bonus episode, that is exactly what we're going to be talking about. [00:01:30][66.8]

[00:01:30] I wanted to share this review that comes from birdie 1515. She gave a five star review and said, stop what you're doing and listen to this. It is worth your time. I love that short, sweet to the point. I'm so grateful for every single one of you guys who leave a rating and review. They genuinely mean the world to me. They help us out. Not only no you know how this podcast is helping you, but it also helps other people who stumble upon the podcast and they get to tune in because they're reading their reviews and they say, okay, I think, you know, based on their reviews, I think I'm going to give this a try. And then we're able to change more lives, which is ultimately the goal for this podcast. So thank you, thank you, thank you for doing that. You can scooch over to any Apple device, has a podcast app, and you can type in Embrace Real and scroll all the way down. You'll be able to rate and review there. [00:02:13][43.1]

[00:02:14] All right for things that are in to my life in 2024. Number one, believing anything is possible. Why are we so afraid to dream big? Why do we think that good things can't happen to us or we don't deserve that? What if this year we believe that anything is possible, that we are capable of doing and achieving whatever it is that we put our mind and energy into? Like we can build the body that we want, we can get fit and feel great and our bodies, we can start that podcast, start that business. We can find the love of our lives. We can get that promotion. We can take that vacation or take that time off. We can get what we want. We can build the life that we deserve. All of this is possible, but in order for it to actually be possible, we have to believe it. And we have to believe it wholeheartedly. And I believe that it really all begins with letting yourself to first just imagine it, like letting yourself to get into this creative mode where you imagine, like, what is it that I want my life to look like and dream big? I mean, really, you have nothing to lose from dreaming big, so why not just try it? And if this answer for you is, you know. No, that's not going to happen automatically. Well, yeah, of course it's not going to happen because you're not believing it. You're not believing that can actually happen. And I think that there is so much power in just dreaming big. And then and then backing that up with prayer and saying, God like, this is my dream, this is my desire. And if this is not something that you desire for me, like take this desire from me. But if it is, give me the strength, give me the steps that I need to take in order to get to where I want to be. And just inviting God into that process for me has been so transformative, because it reminds me that it's not just me, right? And while yes, God allows us like free will and he gives us these dreams and desires, we are in a partnership with God. And that's what our life is about. It's about serving him, but about using our gifts and talents to glorify him. So definitely believing anything is possible is an in for me this year. [00:04:15][121.2]

[00:04:15] Number two, more joy. Life is often this series of tasks and responsibilities. This never ending to do list that we're like striving to complete. We oftentimes get caught up in the daily grind. We're constantly checking items off of our To-Do list. And sometimes, oftentimes, I think that we lose sight of the deeper aspects of existence. Like it's essential to remind ourselves that life is not just about these check boxes. It's about experiencing passion, finding purpose, and achieving fulfillment. Like, when was the last time that you experienced these things? When was the last time that you even thought about experiencing these things? Our passion and our purpose cannot be found on our to do list. It can be found when we're experiencing true joy, like when we're allowing ourselves to do more things that bring us true joy, and we become more tuned in to what truly matters to us, which oftentimes gets lost in the To-Do list. We make room for the activities and the experiences that spark this light, this passion, this glow within us. And we make room for spending time with friends and loved ones, creating unforgettable memories. And we really ignite our passion. When we find what our passion is right, we start to see how our actions align with our purpose and values in our life. And this helps to create a sense of direction and meaning in our day to day lives, rather than just kind of going through the motions. And ultimately, we find fulfillment in the knowledge that we're living authentically and in harmony with our biggest dreams and our values. So start small. Say yes to that coffee date with a friend that maybe you haven't seen in forever. Go take your dogs on a hike that maybe you've been wanting to do but just haven't done. Experience the fresh air. Savor a few moments, with your loved ones, like put that phone away at dinner and experience deep, heartfelt conversations with your family or your partner. And I truly believe that these small acts on a daily basis, that's what compounds and slowly will help you to see the bigger purpose. And you'll slowly start to say, oh, this is truly what brings me joy. Not just checking these things off the to do list. [00:06:29][133.8]

[00:06:30] Number three things that make me feel good. This is an end for 2024. I think that it's really important to have the self-awareness to pay attention to things that bring you true joy, that align with your values. And I think so many times we're making these decisions that don't make us feel good. They're stressing us out, and yet we still continue to say, yes, I want this year to be the year that we are actually doing things that are in alignment with our values, that bring us true joy and make us feel good, like we deserve to feel things, to feel good and feel energized and feel confident and feel happy. And really, 99% of the time this comes down to the choices that we're making on a day to day basis. It's the small choices, too. I think oftentimes we think it's all one big choice that we made, but it's the small choices just in the same way that the small choices to choose joy on a daily basis compound. It's the same thing if you're feeling lethargic, if you're not feeling passion, if you're not feeling energy, or you're not feeling confident in your body, take a look at the small things that you're doing on a day to day basis. And those are the things that are adding up. This also, I mean, includes so many different aspects of your life. This can include your workouts. Are your workouts bringing you to joy? Maybe it's time for you to switch it up, or maybe in a different environment, or maybe a different time of day. This is could be people. The people that you're spending time with. You know, there's some people that you know, we have to spend time with, but there's other people that maybe we don't have to spend that much time with them and just creating those boundaries. And maybe, you know, you're spending all this time with this person, but then you feel drained afterwards and you didn't even realize it. Well, limit your time on how much you're spending with them. Or maybe you're spending so much time in your phone, and in the moment, you're just so numb that you don't even realize that, you know, 2.5 hours went by and you're scrolling. Really be intentional about that time. Does going to bed super late allow you to wake up feeling energized, or do you wake up feeling crappy and, feeling like you're lacking energy and feeling like you're lacking passion? Does cauliflower make you feel bloated? Stop eating it like that was totally me a few years ago. I didn't even realize that I was. I was feeling bloated all the time, and I'm like, what the heck? And I realized that I was eating cauliflower at least one, if not two times a day. And I'm like, that is like not making me feel good the moment I cut it out. You know, cauliflower is great for your health. There's a lot of health benefits to it, but there are so many other vegetables out there. And I know that's so it's that's such a silly thing. But it's those small choices again, that compound does, you know, saying yes to the things that you really want to say no to. Is that going to drain you of energy? If so, stop saying yes so much. Really protect your time. Protect what it is that you are investing your time into. And you know, feeling great really can only happen when you're making the right decisions. And so this year, I want you to focus on choosing the things that are fueling you and not depleting you, and putting your time and energy into the things that are making you feel better instead of making you feel worse. [00:09:35][185.1]

[00:09:36] And lastly, number four, what is in is more time for God. So I was just in having a great conversation with one of my close girlfriends, and we were talking about experiencing God. And so more time for God. That is definitely an end for me. And I think that this is important because oftentimes I would almost box off my day similar to how I was talking about like a check box for my life. I would say, okay, morning time. Like that's when I journal. That's when I read my Bible and that's my time with God. And while yes, that can be a sweet time in the morning, a great kind of way to start off your day and just remind like, ground you and remind you of your purpose and just remind you honestly of God's love, which will totally humble you and give you so much peace and excitement and passion for life. I was not allowing my. Myself to experience God through the mundane, small moments like the times that I am emptying the dishwasher, the times that I'm driving to a friend's house, or the time that I, you know, if you're a mom, you're in the pickup line and you're waiting for your kid, or you're driving your kid to soccer practice or gymnastics or whatever it is, that's sweet time that you can have with God and just those little pockets of your day. Just giving those up to God and saying it, just being in a constant conversation throughout the day instead of just limiting it to your prayer and journal time and man. Since being more aware of that, I think it is just it's transformed so much of my day to day and I still struggle with it, right? Like there's still days that I get to the end of the day and I'm like, dang, I didn't like, really choose to have that. Those small pockets that are dedicated to God. But God wants to hear from us. And every single day we have the opportunity to be in a constant conversation with him. And I think just like anything, when you invest more time in a relationship, that's how you grow deeper in that relationship. [00:11:26][110.7]

[00:11:27] And so I'm just remembering that it's the small, mundane moments when you're cooking dinner or when you're cleaning up from dinner, when right after you put the kids to bed or you're you're giving your baby a bath. Like those those small, mundane moments can be time with God where you're just rejoicing in the blessing, or you're telling him hard things that you're struggling with, like just allowing yourself to be in that constant conversation. That is definitely something that I am focused on. And I believe that when you dedicate your time and your heart to God, and it's a constant conversation versus just this checkbox, you know, in the morning or at night or during your journal time, like, I think that you're going to have a greater sense of purpose and guidance and strength to navigate all of life's challenges and uncertainties, but also be able to rejoice in just the small moments and pockets of joy that maybe it allows you to have a deeper perspective on that. [00:12:23][56.2]

[00:12:24] So let me quickly recap the four things that are in in 2024. Number one, believing that anything is possible. Number two, more joy in your life. Number three things that make you feel good. And lastly, number four, more time for God. Just finding those small mundane pockets throughout your day to really be in that constant conversation with God. I would love to know what you would add to this list. I would love to know maybe what your ins are if you've already done it. Or maybe this inspires you to create your own in and out list. Be sure to take a screenshot of this episode and post it to your stories. You can tag me on embracer or tag me on Julia Ledbetter. I would love to hear from you. If you haven't already, tune in to the other bonus episode last week on the outs for 2024. I highly recommend that you do so I will link it in the show notes that you can easily go tune in there, but that is all that I have for today's episode. I love you so dang much. I mean it, I'll talk to you on the next one. [00:13:21][57.7]

[00:13:27] All right sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, it's with an "a" in the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it. [00:13:27][0.0]
