6 Ways to Live More Authentically Part 2



Welcome to part 2 of 6 ways to live more authentically. If you missed part 1 I highly recommend going back and listening to that next! It’s okay to listen out of order. But, why is living authentically so important? We can’t show up as our BEST selves in our lives if we aren’t being TRUE to ourselves. So this episode is meant to challenge how you are showing up in your life now and help you start showing up more authentically.

In Part 1 I talked about…

  1. Stop pretending. It’s exhausting trying to be someone you’re not…24/7! Compartmentalizing and presenting a different version of you to all the various groups in your life will drain you to your core.

  1. Get Comfortable in the discomfort of vulnerability. There is no authenticity where there is no truth. And there is no truth where there is no vulnerability.

  1. The reason why you may be struggling with authenticity is because you’re striving for perfection. But here’s the thing: You’ll never achieve it because the bar always gets raised.

What I discussed:

Stop judging others. Whatever negative things or judgements you cast upon others, is usually the ultimate revealer of your own insecurities. If you feel like you need to cast your insecurities on others, then this means you’re not living authentically.

Set better boundaries. If you are living on other people’s terms, you aren’t living authentically. It’s that simple. Your priorities NEED to come first.

Get to know yourself better. You cannot living authentically if you don’t know what is authentic for you.

Link mentioned in this episode:

Episode 276: 6 Ways to Live More Authentically Part 1

Episode 226: 7 Things You Need to Do to Be More Authentic Daily

Episode 79: 3 Things That Deserve Boundaries

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Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Role With Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go.

Hello and welcome back to you. Part two of six Ways to Live More Authentically. If you miss Part one, I highly recommend going back and listening to that next. It's okay if you listen to them out of order. What's most important and why I want to have this conversation is because I believe that we can't show up as our best selves unless we're truly showing up as our most authentic selves. And we're being true to who we are. But how do we do that? Like, how do we live more authentically? And so I'm kind of just prompting you in sharing various ways of how to live more authentically and kind of help you think differently. So in part one, we talked about stop pretending. Number two, get comfortable in the discomfort of vulnerability. And number three, the reason why you might be struggling with authenticity is because you're striving for perfection. So if those interests you, I highly recommend going back and again listening to part one after this episode, before we dove in, I had to share. The super review comes from Brianhaufschild. I'm sorry if I butchered that. They gave a five star review and said, Thank you, Julie. This podcast is so fun and makes my nutritional goals seem so much easier. As a fitness and nutrition guru helping others, I still need someone to talk to me. Julie does it just that and I appreciate her simple way of educating that leaves a big, powerful punch. I love this so much and I couldn't agree more with you. I believe that we all need people pouring into us, especially if we're leading other people, whether that's leading a family, whether that's leading at work, whether that's leading on social media, which I will argue that all of us have some sort of leadership role, especially in the digital age that we live in. There are always people that are looking at us, whether we know it or not. We could be inspiring other people. And so it's important that we are allowing other people to pour into us so that we can go back and pour into other people and leave our mark in this world. So thank you so much for this review.

I appreciate you so, so much. If you haven't already left your rating interview, you can switch over to Apple Podcasts, type in, embrace or out. First, make sure you subscribe so that you never miss an episode. And if you scroll down on that page, you can leave the reading interview there. It really does help us out. Thank you in advance for doing that. Okay, so let's dove into four, five and six. So number four is stop judging others. Whatever negative things or judgments that you cast upon others. There typically is an underlying indicator that that is something that is kind of pushing your own insecurities. So if you feel like you need to cast your insecurities on others, this means that you're not living authentically. We've all been there when you're judging someone about their over commitment to work or their fancy possessions or their obsession, their wedding or whatever it is, check yourself. Maybe your feeling not so great about your career. Maybe you're jealous of their wealth, or maybe you're unsure of your relationship status. You're totally allowed to feel those things. But rather than channeling them into judgment, I want you to acknowledge your insecurities and then work to embrace them. And I believe that we can embrace those things by kind of switching our mindset to more of a gratitude mindset and trying to find the best in our situation and trying to pull out and extract the things that we are grateful for. Trust me, at any given moment, no matter how bad your situation is, I can guarantee that you can extract at least five things from your life that you can genuinely be grateful for and might take some honest thought. But you definitely can do it. And I believe that we can't live authentically if we're too busy judging other people.

Number five set better boundaries. Now, if you're living on other people's terms, you aren't living authentically. It's just that simple. Like, I believe that your priorities need to be a priority. You can't show up as your most authentic self if you aren't being authentic to your priorities and just how your time and energy is just as valuable as anyone else's. Your priorities are important and stop treating them differently. Your priorities are so important and without setting boundaries, you're never really setting the standard of how you deserve to be treated by others. For example, if you're putting everyone else's priorities first and you're constantly putting yours on the back burner, you're going to start to believe that your priorities don't matter as much as there is. And I'm telling you again, I don't think it's bad to be serving people. I think that's what we're called to do. But there is a fine line between you giving all of your time and energy to the point where you are putting your health and wellness on the back burner, that you have to create boundaries. I always tell people this, but like if you spend your entire life serving people, right, like serving people and never doing the things that are going to ensure that you live a long and healthy life, you're never making that a priority. When you get to a certain age that will catch up to you and then you won't be able to serve those people in your life. And so, again, I'm not saying that you can't serve people. I think that's so important. But I also think it's so important that you put it in a proper perspective and you properly a lot that the important things in your life and you set those boundaries so that you can serve those people in your best. And in your healthiest capacity. Now, if you want to dove deeper into setting boundaries, I talk about this all on episode 79. Three Things That Deserve Boundaries. I will link that in the show notes that you can easily go listen to that. But if setting boundaries is is hard for you, I want you to remember this boundaries are not always popular, but the great thing is life isn't a popularity contest. If setting this boundary is going to make you a happier, healthier version of yourself, that's really ultimately what matters. Right? And that's ultimately what will allow you to serve in your best capacity setting. Boundaries can also show how people do and don't respect you, and it can make it easier for those who actually value you and your life, that you spend time with those people and that you recognize the people that are not respecting the boundaries that you're setting. And you can say they don't deserve a place in my life, right? The only people who will get upset about placing boundaries are the ones who are benefiting from you not having any.

Just remember that food for thought number six. Get to know yourself better. Now, this is probably one of the most important of them all. You can't live authentically if you don't know what is authentic to you. And I believe that some of us have been living in authentically for so long that just we're following along with what other people want or what other people expect us to be. And we don't actually know who we are or what we want to be or the values that we have. And this means that we need to put in the work. We have to figure out, like what makes us happy, what makes us subset, what gives us energy, what drains us? What do we want our life to look like? What don't we want our life to look like? What are the kind of people and who are the kind of people that we want to be around? What people don't you want to be around? What do you want to accomplish in your life? Where do you want to go? What are your opinions? What are your beliefs? What are your values? What are your priorities? All of those things literally write all of those things down and go through them one by one. If you can define each one of these, then you're going to be so much closer to getting to know yourself. And for me, like especially when it comes to your values and your beliefs, that comes with time spent in the word, that comes with journaling and prayer and meditating on God's Word. Like He literally has the entire word of God that lays out every single thing for almost literally, not almost every single event that will happen in our life and how we should respond to that and what to do. It is a life manual. And so if you're a believer, I just want to encourage you to press into the word and know that your values and your beliefs come from the word of God. But it's also important in terms of goals, like you have to know where you're going or else you're not going to know if you're on the right path. You're not going to know if if the things that you're doing are bringing you closer or away. Because if you don't have goals, you have no mark to go by. Right? And so it's important that you recognize those things. And I believe that the closer that you are to knowing those answers, the easier it will be to live more authentically on a day to day basis.

So let me recap the three of the six ways to live more authentically that I talked about in part two number four was stop judging others. Remember that whatever negative judgments or things that you're casting upon others is typically the ultimate revealer of your own insecurity. Number five Set better boundaries. Remember that boundaries are not a bad thing. It's important that you prioritize things in your life so that you can be the best version of yourself and serve the people and the things that you love in your life in your best capacity. And number six, get to know yourself better. So really asking those questions, you can't live authentic if you don't know what is authentic to you. So go back in this episode and list out those things that I mentioned and really ask yourself if you know the answers to every single one of those questions so that you can get to know yourself more. If you love this episode, you will also love episode 2267 Things You Need to Do to be More Authentic Daily. I will link that in the show notes as well as part one of this episode. And then the other episode that I will link is the episode 79 Three Things That Deserve Boundaries. If you want more boundaries talk you're struggling with creating more boundaries in your life. Definitely tune in to episode 79. I will link all three of those episodes in the show notes below. That is all that I have for today's episode. I would love to know. Question of the Day. Would you add anything to this list? And if so, what is it? So send me a DM on Instagram. I would love to know what you would add to this list of six ways to live more authentically and kind of what your feedback is on that. So thank you so much for tuning in. I love you so much and I'll talk to you in the next episode. All right, sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, @juliealedbetter. Yes. It's with an a in the middle for that Daily Post workout. Real talk healthy. Tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me and means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember, that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace real because you're worth it.

Julie LedbetterComment