7 Ways to Get Back On Track



Girl, what a weird season we are in right now! Things are not normal, your routine is not normal, your workouts are not normal, and your eating habits might not be normal either. So, of course, it feels like you have gotten “off track.” That’s inevitable! 

So for those of you who were loving your routine and the results you were seeing before #QuarantineLife, and are now feeling unmotivated and discouraged, and ultimately “off track,” I have seven ways to help you get back on track! 


Hey, hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go.

Hello, hello and welcome back to the Embrace Your Real podcast bonus episode, so grateful that you are here, girl. I know we are in a very weird. weird season right now. Things are not normal. What even is normal? Workouts are not normal, eating habits are not normal. I know many of you feel like you have completely gotten off track and I've talked to so many people, both in my programs and on socials, every day of just people just feeling defeated, that they've gotten off track. During the stay at home season, I've noticed that people are either on one end of the spectrum or the other end; either they have severely fallen off track or they're just on the other end of the spectrum, crushing it, going above and beyond. I feel like both ends of the spectrum are being very vocal about it. I don't know about you, but I just feel like both ends are like, "Praise. I'm doing so well," and then there's other people that are like, "Oh my gosh, I'm in the pits. I suck."

So I just want to remind you that it's okay to feel what you're feeling and it's okay to feel like you've fallen off. Today, my goal is to just give you seven ways that you can implement right now today to help you get back on track because I know that a lot of you are feeling unmotivated and discouraged and I don't want that for you. I believe that you can start to see progress. Even if it's small progress, progress is progress. Don't ever judge yourself on progress. That's really, really important. I will talk about that in a little bit. But before we dive into the episode, we are reading the review of the day it comes from Leah Mae B. She says, "Fabulous. Julie is one of the best. She provides real truthful information for your benefit. She has also gone through the struggle and understands how hard life can be. This podcast will completely change your perspective and inspire you to do more for yourself. Embrace Your Real has changed my life and I know it will change yours too."

Thank you so much, Leah Mae. I sincerely appreciate your rating and reviews. Every single one of you, I go through them, me and my team, and we are just so grateful for you. Thank you. It honestly means the world to me. If you haven't already rated and reviewed the podcast, it literally takes less than 60 seconds. All you got to do is tap the stars. If you give me a five star view, I really sincerely appreciate it. Just do a little review, like a little [inaudible 00:03:07] whatever you think about the podcast. I want to hear it. If you dom screenshot it, send it to me in a DM and I will personally send you a voice memo back. All right, let's dive into the episode.

Tip number one: acknowledge where you are at. The first step in creating any sort of change in your life is to acknowledge what you need to change. If you feel yourself in a place where you just feel embarrassed or frustrated, let yourself feel those things, but you need to acknowledge why you're experiencing those feelings and acknowledging it will help you overcome these feelings. Otherwise, you'll feel completely stuck in all of those feelings and you won't change what is actually causing them. When you have this acknowledgement, when you're acknowledging where you're at, number one, I want you to go into that acknowledgement saying out loud to yourself, "I am not judging myself. I am simply stating a fact. I am simply stating what's going on," because just allowing yourself to hear it out loud is really, really important and it will help you so much in really pinpointing what it is that you need to actually change.

Number two: set some goals or reevaluate what your goals are. I'm guessing some of you set some goals at the beginning of this new year and you're still trying to hold on to those goals. I'm also guessing that that is exactly what's causing you to feel the way that you're feeling because those goals that you set at the beginning of this year in 2020 when we all went into this year like, "It's the roaring twenties and it's going to be the best year ever," and then all of COVID happened and we were like, "Whoa, we just felt like we got stuck in a dust storm," and yeah, just like it's totally came out of the blue. But I think it's important that you reevaluate what your goals are.

Those goals that you set are probably not realistic for you right now. So it's a simple re-evaluating. Newsflash, things have dramatically changed since January, so it's likely that your goals need to change as well. If it's too stressful to think out two months or three months or five months or the end of the year, just set some clear, realistic goals for the next seven days and go from there. I think it's really, really important that sometimes we just focus on the next thing, the next thing instead of, what are all of the things that I can be doing?

Tip number three: try to find some normalcy with your nutrition. Now, I say this because within the last few weeks, it's now heading into May, I have found that grocery stores are starting to become a little bit more stocked. I don't know about you. I personally live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the great Rocky Mountains, but I have seen that the grocery stores are starting to be a little bit more, "normal," if that's even a thing. So with your nutrition, what I have found works best for me is either meal prepping, like I've talked about this before, meal prepping my proteins or having some things prepped that are easy to put together in meals or at least meal planning like, what am I going to be having for dinner? What kind of lunches will I have or what will my breakfast look like? Or what are some snacks that I want this week? So really making it a priority to stock up on those ingredients so that you have them in your house. It's really important when you're doing this that you're focusing on things that both nourish your body and things that you also love.

I think the biggest misconception that I've seen people do is that they pick all of these, "clean," foods that they're like, "Well, these are nourishing my body," but then you're not enjoying what you're actually eating. So you're actually becoming more and more bitter every time you're eating these things if you're not allowing yourself to have certain foods that you love. For me, I love my Yasso ice cream at night. I have ice cream every single night because it makes me happy. So really making sure that you're planning in foods that make you feel good and also, just make your heart happy and belly feel good as well.

Tip number four: do not compare your struggles to somebody else's successes. Can I get a freaking, "Amen,"? thank you social media for making it super easy for us to constantly compare ourselves to other. Let's be real, we all tend to see daily the perfectly curated highlight reels of people's successes and I am even guilty of this. I pop on a social media like, "Move your body," but it's very unlikely that I'm popping on social media when I'm in a very stressed out, freaked out moment of like, "I don't even know what's going on."

So just remember that even if you don't see it on my feed, I still have those moments and I am super guilty of sharing highlight reels because let's be honest, it's easy for us to share those. But at the same time, we're all humans consuming social. So when we are struggling, when we're sitting in our struggle and when we're scrolling and we're seeing somebody else's success, we often just feel so inadequate. We're not doing enough, we're not being enough. So I just want you to remember that we are all on our own journey. We all have our own struggles and we all have our own victories. If you need to do a social media detox, whether that's a 24 hour, a 48 hour, a 72 hour, a seven day to help you with this, do it. Do it, do it, do it.

Tip number five: move your body. I know I share this one a lot, but you guys know when you move your body, it changes something in your body. I truly believe that it is impossible for you to stay sad or anxious or upset for a long period of time when you are regularly moving your body. Let me be clear. Moving your body doesn't always change the outcome, but it can act as a form of therapy in the moment and help you to control your reaction to the outcome. So don't underestimate those 30 minutes of movement, what they can do for your heart, your mind and your body. Okay?

Tip number six: follow a plan. Having a plan, whether it's a plan for your daily tasks, for your workouts, for your nutrition, whatever it is, this will actually help you execute on the things that you want to accomplish and need to accomplish. With my plan, I love that I never have to think about it. I just go do it. So for example, I follow all the workouts in the app. I swear that this has helped me so much stay consistent. People ask me all the time, "How is it that you're constantly showing up, you're doing your workouts?" And I literally always say back, "It's because I have a plan. It's because I..." Literally, the plan is telling you what to do. The plan doesn't care if I'm tired. The plan doesn't care if I'm stressful. The plan is the plan. And if I follow the plan, I get it done. So for me, it's just important that I plan things out, whether it's my workouts, it's my nutrition, it's my daily tasks, whatever it is. But having a plan will help so much.

And tip number seven is to ask some friends to join in. Studies have shown that accountability with others can increase your rate of success by up to 47%. That is so much. Do you realize that? I highly suggest you getting your family or your friends to join you on reaching some similar goals. I know that this accountability will likely look virtual right now, but you'll be surprised how much it will help you and them. That's the beautiful thing, right? If you don't have people in your immediate life right now, I encourage you to invest in a virtual community. There are tons and tons of like minded, supportive, inspiring ladies who are in my programs.

Whether it's the Macro Counting Made Simple online academy or the Movement with Julie weekly workouts, we are here to help you power through. Better yet, girl, I want you to lean into me. I know there are so many women inside these programs I have just felt super connected to over these last six to eight weeks because I have leaned into them, they've leaned into me and it's this thing that we're doing together and it's beautiful. I want you to know that you can do this and you can overcome what you're struggling with. I want you to dive in head first and just get connected. So whether it's someone in your immediate life or someone virtually, don't underestimate it.

That is all that I have for today's episode. I hope that these seven tips encouraged you or inspired something in you or just help you get a little bit more motivated and just picking up where you're at and moving forward. Remember, no guilt, no shame. We are all on this. We all have had struggles over these last six, eight, 12 weeks and we will all continue to have struggles in these next six, eight and 12 weeks. But it's important that we identify where we're at so that we can pick it up and move forward. I love you. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode.

If you have somebody in your life that could benefit from this, I just ask that you click the share button. It's the three dots on Apple Podcasts. Click the copy link, text it to a friend, post it up on your socials, send it to your mom, your sister, whoever. I really, really appreciate you and I will see you guys in the next episode.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today, but I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the 'gram, be sure to do so, JulieALedbetter, Yes, it's with an, "A," in the middle, for that daily, post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing; be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface, so go out there and embrace you real because you're worth it.