7 Ways to Simplify Your Weekly Meal Planning



Nutrition plays a crucial role in our goals of achieving the body that we want, but sometimes, life can get away that we end up pushing aside a nutritious meal.

That’s why, in this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast, I am sharing tips on how I make sure my body is nourished in a week despite life getting in the way sometimes. Tune in to hear 7 ways that would make your weekly meal planning seamless, and most of all… nutritious!

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Episode 46 - Why You Should Consider a Reverse Diet (The Only Diet I Support!)

The Chalene Show's Undereating and Reverse Dieting with Julie Ledbetter

What I discuss:

  1. Plan for leftovers.

  2. Establish a weekly recurring menu…

  3. Pre-calculate your macros…

  4. Utilize meal delivery services…

  5. Plan your macro breakdown per meal…

  6. Plan some 10-minute meals

  7. Plan to go out to eat.

If you want more from me, be sure to check out...

Instagram: @embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie

Movement With Julie | App: https://sale.movementwithjulie.com/

Macro Counting Made Simple: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/

Website: www.juliealedbetter.com

Free e-book: www.juliealedbetter.com/free-ebook

Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-6bda1ca8?ref=cm_sw_em_r_inf_pub_influencer-6bda1ca8_dp_DgsIam9salgfi


Speaker 1: [00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it, let's go. [00:00:21][21.3]

[00:00:27] Hello and welcome back to another episode on the Embrace Your Real podcast. This episode is going to be for the woman who is wanting to build the body that you want, and you understand that nutrition plays a crucial role, but you're also struggling to prioritize proper nutrition. [00:00:41][14.2]

[00:00:42] We get it. Life is busy, you're tired, meals get thrown together, and that may not be the best in terms of building the body that you want. And so you know that you need to prioritize nutrition and you want it to feel seamless in your day to day life. But you are just tired and you feel like life just is way too busy for that. So in today's episode, I kind of want to share seven tips that I personally have used and have also shared, shown and shared with other women on this journey that I think will help you nourish your body with what it needs on a weekly basis and just kind of simplify the process for you. [00:01:15][33.8]

[00:01:16] Before we dive in, though, I wanted to share this review. It comes from MP Bailey one, She gave a five star review and that great podcast. I stumbled on this podcast after hearing Julie talk about reverse dieting with Chalene Johnson, and I've really been enjoying it. I have been working on repairing my relationship with food and I've been eating in a severe caloric deficit for a long time, followed by binging and getting the weight back. I'm finally starting to eat more and accept the way that I am. I also just recently subscribe to the Movement Weekly app, and I love it. I feel so strong and empowered. It's great to have a template to follow. Thank you and keep up the valuable advice coming. [00:01:49][33.6]

[00:01:51] I love this so much for so many different reasons. 'kay, two things I want to share from this review that just kind of came to mind. Number one, if you haven't tuned in to my podcast episode with Chalene Johnson, be sure to do so. I think you just type in Julie Ledbetter. Chalene Johnsen. It should pop up. I did about a year and a half ago, but it was one of my favorite podcasts that I I've been on, haven't been on many. I'm pretty selective in getting on podcast, but it was such a great conversation. I really shared a lot about my story and just kind of my experience with going through reverse dieting myself as well as coaching women through that. And then secondly, if you are like, What the heck is reverse dieting, I've maybe you maybe heard about it or you have never heard the term. I want to direct you to tune into episode 46 of the podcast. I will link that in the show notes below, but it is a podcast that talks all about reverse dieting, and it, I believe, is called reverse dieting, the only diet that I support. So I will link that in the show notes below. But I really kind of go into my journey of reverse dieting. I personally have gone through four reverse diets in my journey, and it has single handedly transformed not only my relationship with food, but also I have been able to eat so much more just because our bodies are adaptable, our metabolisms are adaptable, and it's just an incredible thing. So I highly recommend you go tune into that. [00:03:05][74.0]

[00:03:05] But thank you so much. MP Bailey, one for their review and tuning into the podcast. I genuinely appreciate you and taking time out of your day to do so. Okay, So in today's episode we're going to chat about meal planning, not necessarily meal prepping, because planning is typically all that we need to stay on track, especially one for starting out. I get it. Not everybody likes to meal prep because it can feel overwhelming, especially if you're just starting out or you really don't have a big interest in cooking. Maybe you come from a family, you know, where there is not a big emphasis on cooking in your house growing up. Or maybe it's the opposite. There was a huge emphasis on cooking, but you're in a different either financial position or you're in a different position. Like you're working full time, you're busy, all the things I get it, it can feel overwhelming and it can feel like really defeating, especially if you know that nutrition needs to be prioritized in terms of building the body you want, but you don't really know where to start. [00:04:00][55.6]

[00:04:01] So hopefully this episode will help you on that journey. I did want to put a disclaimer. I'm going to be talking about macros a lot. I do utilize the tool of macro counting a lot. That's what I teach on because it's personally transformed my life and it has transformed so many other women's lives in their journey. If you're confused about macros or you want to learn more about what your customized macros are, I do have an online academy for that. I will link that in the show notes below or you can go to macro counting made simple dot com. The academy itself makes it extremely simple for you to get started, and we do talk a lot more about kind of meal prepping and planning in that course. So that will help you. [00:04:36][35.9]

[00:04:37] But even if you don't count macros, you don't have an interest in counting macros. I do think that you're still going to find some of these points extremely valuable and applicable to your life. So let's dive into the seven steps that I want to share with you on how to effectively meal plan. [00:04:49][12.4]

[00:04:50] Number one when you're buying ingredients for dinner, I want you to plan to make enough so you have some left over for next dinner or lunch or the rest of the week. So intentionally prepare larger portions when cooking. I know that it's tempting to now just cook one breast of chicken at dinner or whatever, but I can tell you it will help so much if you can, what I like to call protein batch. But you can also do it with something like pasta so carb batch or you can do it with breakfast burritos or sandwiches or so many different things that you can do. But essentially what it is is let's say you're going to cook. Some chicken. So this is what I do on a weekly basis. Joshua and I do this. We cook a few different proteins for the week, and then we make them in multiple different dishes throughout the week, whether it's lunches or dinners. [00:05:37][47.2]

[00:05:38] Honestly, a lot of times it's for me personally, it's dinners. But for lunches, if I just kind of give you an example. So we'll we'll buy the chicken breast from Costco. I personally am a big like I wash my chicken, I cut off the fat on the chicken. Like I'm pretty big on that. It's I know it takes a little extra time, but I personally find that the chicken just tastes better that way. And then we throw it in the instant pot with some chicken broth like a whole thing, a chicken broth thread in the instant pot for 45 minutes. And then voila, we have like 8 to 10 chicken breasts for the week at a time. And the cool thing about that is, you know, I shred it. It's plain chicken. And I know you're like, Julie, I don't want to just have plain chicken and broccoli. [00:06:17][39.6]

[00:06:18] No, trust me, I make plain chicken because I'm able to have it in multiple different dishes. So I'll just give you an example. So if I do, you know, protein in instant pot shredded chicken, I'll have it maybe one night, I'll have it in some pasta. So I do a lot of the bird's eye like microwavable pastas, the veggie pastas, those are really good. I also make like a batch of pasta, and I'll make that for the week. And that way I'll use that in different dishes, whether it's like a hot cooked meal or I'll use it in like a cold refrigerated salad kind of type of meal with some veggies. But that's kind of one meal that I'll use my shredded chicken as if I do like a bird's eye veggie pasta in the microwave, I'll throw it all in a big bowl, put some mozzarella cheese on it, put some parmesan cheese on it, some fresh basil, and that's delicious. The next night, maybe I am wanting some taco, so I'll do, you know, some tortillas. I'll do some cheddar cheese or some mozzarella cheese with some corn and some tomatoes and shredded lettuce. And I'll do a taco and then I'll do the guacamole salsa so that I'm using that shredded the same shredded chicken that I made in a mexican dish. I do also do the chicken salads a lot. If you haven't followed my chicken salads, I have reals on my personal Instagram, so Julie Ledbetter. I have both of the chicken salad recipes on there on a reel that I did, I believe last year. [00:07:35][77.0]

[00:07:35] So I have a dill chicken salad. It's so good. It is so good. If you are like a salty person, you will love this spoiler or I don't use mayo, I use nonfat Greek yogurt. So the fire yogurt, it's so good. And my gosh, so I have the dill chicken salad that I'll use a lot for lunches. And then I also have a sweet chicken salad that I'll do for lunches as well. And they're also great for if you're doing like a day trip or traveling in the summertime, it's just, oh my gosh, it's so good with some crackers or a bagel. It's so delicious. And the sweet chicken salad has some dried cranberries. It has a little bit of trivia. And I use oh, gosh, I have the whole recipe on my page. So it's super simple, though. I mean, it's like a two minute, super simple. But the reason it's so simple and the reason that it doesn't take a lot of time is because the protein is already made. [00:08:23][47.9]

[00:08:23] So doing some protein batches, I know we also do ground beef, so we get the ground beef from Costco and we'll cook that. And again, you can do that in the mornings. If you have some eggs, you can do some ground turkey or some ground beef, whatever you prefer with some eggs and some cheese. And then if you want to have it at night, you can also do the ground beef is delicious in the veggie pasta that I do. You can also make it for tacos. Again, you can just see that the endless amounts of meals that you can use for doing that. So protein batching is amazing. I'm telling you, it is a total game changer. And it not only helps you save time, but it will help you save money because you're buying things in bulk and then you're just using it throughout the week. [00:09:04][40.6]

[00:09:05] Number two, establish a weekly recurring menu. So the worst thing in the world is struggling to figure out what you want to eat. Like you get home from work and you're just like, I don't know what to have. I'm so stressed. And this is why having again, some recipes on rotation is really helpful. Just having a few ten minute recipes which I'll mention later in this podcast annotation be really helpful. And if you don't even want to go there, if you just want to say, okay, I need something to organize in my brain, it is so tempting if you don't have something like this in place to just toss out everything you know, and just go out to eat or go completely off track and then you feel like you don't feel good, you feel you feel guilty, all these things. [00:09:47][42.8]

[00:09:48] So I want to encourage you to create a weekly menu that kind of repeats each week. And so this can even be like for the next four weeks, this is what it's going to be, you know, minor variations here and there. So assign specific meals or you can do assign specific like genres of food. So if you're like, Hey, Monday's going to be Italian Day, Tuesday is going to be Mexican, Wednesday is going to be some sort of stir fry. You kind of get it. So this kind of repetitive structure really does simplify the decision making, and it also reduces the time spent on meal planning and it creates overall and a sense of routine which can help you stick with it. [00:10:22][34.5]

[00:10:23] So if you currently feel like you're in a rut or you have absolutely no idea what these may. LS like should be. I do have some recipe guides over on my website, so I will link that in the show notes below. But I mean, even if you don't want to buy the recipe guides, I'm telling you Pinterest like just type in like if you're counting a macros, type in macro friendly Italian dishes or macro friendly Mexican dishes, you will find so many things. And that's the beauty of the kind of the era that we live in now. You know, I remember when I started out on this journey about 11 years ago now, macro counting was not it was a thing, but it was not like as big as it is now. And so there were there were just not as many recipes and there were not as many resources out there, But there are so many resources. [00:11:04][41.4]

[00:11:05] One that's coming to mind is if you're not already following Lili, I think her name is Lily. She's awesome. Also, I personally know Zach from the flexible dining lifestyle. He has some great recipes as well, but kind of pick like your vibe, pick what looks good and just try to again, it's got it's going to be kind of a trial and error thing and just having some sort of sense, though, a routine of at the very bare minimum, having some sort of genre for each day of the week will help a lot. [00:11:34][28.8]

[00:11:34] Number three is to pre calculate your macros. So one of the best ways to stay on track is by knowing what your macros are going to be ahead of time so that we are able to meal plan counting macros. I understand it can be time consuming, but pre calculating your macros in advance can really say valuable time, especially during the meal planning process. So determining the macro breakdown for each meal and snack ahead of time can really ensure to meet your daily goals. And this way you can quickly choose ingredients that fit your macros without the constant calculations. [00:12:02][27.5]

[00:12:03] So whatever recipes you decide on, you know within your weekly rotation, counting the macros inside of each of those meals. And most macro accounting apps allow you to save your own meal. So I personally use my macros. Plus I know a lot of people also use myfitnesspal. Either one. I personally have never used myfitnesspal. I just started with my macros plus and I know the team over there and they're awesome. But you can build in a recipe. So once the recipes in there you just create it as a meal. And that way when you count it in the future, like if you add it to your macro tracking app, you just type, you know, you go into your recipes and you click on it and then you type in the serving size that you're having that for that day and it's already pre calculate it and that can be very, very helpful. So when you plan your day around the pre calculated macros, knowing kind of what you're eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner and dessert. Yes, dessert is a key, key meal in my weekly rotation at least, that way you're more motivated to actually stick to it, like when you can actually physically see it. I know people do this kind of at night. Sometimes people do it like the night before. They'll be like, Hey, what am I? You know, what's my day look like to kind of look at their schedule, what's my day look like, and kind of plan for the day before. Or if you're a weekly person, you can do it on Sundays and kind of just stick to, you know, maybe Monday through Thursday, you're planning out your day. And this can even be like, you know, I know on Thursdays I go to Chick-Fil-A in the mornings or I go to Chick-Fil-A for dinners or whatever it is, fit those things in that can be already pre calculated in your macro tracking app. And I'm telling you, it can be a total game changer in terms of saving time and also just sticking to it because you're physically seeing it. So when you wake up the next day, you're looking at your macro tracking app and you're saying, Oh yeah, I already plan this in and it's not like you're not on a diet. You're literally planning foods and meals and snacks that are delicious. You don't feel like you're on the strict diet because you've taken the time ahead of time to plan things into your day that you know you're going to enjoy and look forward to. [00:13:58][115.5]

[00:13:59] Number four, utilize meal delivery services. I'm not talking about Uber Eats or DoorDash. I mean, like the meal prep companies that deliver full cooked meals to your doorstep. So for some people they love getting these meals weekly and planning them into their routine, especially for lunch or dinner for others. They don't like to order them constantly, but freeze them so that they have them on hand for the nights where just cooking sounds dreadful. So the cool thing about these subscriptions is that you can either keep the subscription for a month, you could freeze it, you can start your subscription again if it runs out. And a lot of these meal prep companies offer deals for like the first month or the first set of meals. [00:14:34][35.6]

[00:14:35] So really take advantage of those deals and figure out if this is something that you want to do or not. This is something that I see, you know, probably 30% of people, 20 to 30% of people do. And again, it can save you a lot of time and it can be very beneficial. But I also understand that they can be expensive, like these subscription companies can definitely be pricey. And so if that's just not in the budget there, I'm telling you, you don't have to do this, but this can be a great option. The cool thing now, again, like I was talking about earlier, is that I feel like we're in a more kind of macro friendly or nutrition friendly era in terms of going out to eat or utilizing these meal delivery services. There a lot of these companies, they have the nutrition on the website. So when you're picking meals, you already have the nutrition there. And so counting your macros and really sticking to it is is simple in that regard. [00:15:24][49.4]

[00:15:25] To be honest, I. I will say in this season of life and just, you know, in the last probably two or three years, I haven't used these companies. I just personally, I don't know. I don't find the need to. I also it can be pricey and I choose to spend my money on other things. So, again, this is not for everybody, but it can be helpful for some people. [00:15:43][18.7]

[00:15:44] Number five, plan your macro breakdown per meal. So rather than solely focusing on hitting your daily macro targets, try breaking them down into smaller check points throughout the day. So, for example, divide your protein, your carb and your fat goals into, let's say, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack one and dessert or however you personally. I mean, there's some people that, you know, breakfast and dinner or lunch and dinner with a snack and a dessert. And there's other people that just they don't snack. They're not stackers. They like to have big meals. They have three big meals and that's it. So you kind of decide, okay, what is it that I personally do? And this can again, this is going to be trial and error, especially if this is something new. This is something that you've not really given thought to before. Try that out and say, you know, write down on paper or put it down on your notes section in your app on your phone, and just say, okay, you know, three meals, one snack, one dessert or whatever, and then try to break down your macros in terms of that. [00:16:39][55.5]

[00:16:40] I have just personally found this really helpful because if I don't do that or in the past when especially when I was just starting out, if I didn't do it, I would get to dinner and I'd be like, Oh my gosh, I'm, you know, -15 grams of carbs. I have maybe like seven grams of fat and I have like 90 grams of protein just because naturally I would go towards having carbs and fats instead of protein. But if you can break it down, it can help so much because I know when I plan ahead of time, it allows me to have a much more balanced day of eating. And also I found that my energy's a lot more sustained throughout the day because my meals are a lot more balanced. And so I personally know, you know, if I hit 30 grams of protein at breakfast, I can sit down and make a plan for that and I can find a few different ways on like what is 30 grams of protein look like, what different types of meals can that be? And it also just helps you be more comfortable with macro accounting. [00:17:36][56.2]

[00:17:37] I tell people all the time when you first start out, it's going to feel new, it's going to feel challenging. It's going to be like a whole new way of kind of looking at food. If you've never looked at like the macro breakdown of foods, but it's just like getting on a bicycle for the first time. It's going to feel tricky. It's going to feel scary. You're maybe going to want to give up, but if you keep getting going at it and you keep diving in to to it, it will become like second nature to you. You'll become a lot more comfortable with it and you're able to stick with it long term because you've taken the time upfront to educate yourself on it. Like I'm telling you, I don't personally sit down and count my macros meal, buy meal, snack my stack anymore. I've done this for 11 years. [00:18:21][44.8]

[00:18:22] I personally counted macros like pretty consistently, I would say, you know, 80 to 90% of the time for about seven years. It becomes second nature now. And so I know what it feels like to properly feel my body. I know what certain foods are, I know what the macro breakdowns are. And you know, if there are certain goals that I'm wanting to hit, then I'll go back to utilizing the tool macro accounting and doing it on a consistent basis in terms of macro tracking. But that's a beautiful thing about this tools that you utilize it, how you see fit. And so for some people that's going to be utilizing it closely for the rest of your life. For other people in my position, you know, I don't utilize it closely just because it is genuinely like intuition to me now. It's like learned and conditioned intuition, if that makes sense. So just kind of knowing that and knowing what you need to hit per meal can really be beneficial in terms of making choices throughout the day and just planning ahead of time. [00:19:19][57.4]

[00:19:19] Number six, plan some ten minute meals. So sometimes when we're super tired, we're busy. It sounds easier to just go grab food or order food to make life easier. But what we fail to realize is that ordering food not only takes time, but it's also like waiting for the food when to order it. And honestly, like having some ten minute meals that you can really lean into can be beneficial. And this is going to take some time, like as you put together meals and really utilizing certain things, like, I will tell you the meals that I just mentioned earlier, those are less than 10 minutes. Like I have my birds eye pasta and some protein batch already on hand. That's a ten. That's less than a ten minute meal. I would say it's probably like a 5 to 6 minute meal. I do the cilantro, lime rice along with shredded chicken, and I'll do that with some corn. So like I do the southwestern corn, I do the guacamole salsa, I do some mozzarella cheese, throw it in a bowl, bada about a boom. I also do the case ideas that I talked about. You know, I'll do a case of DIA with some shredded chicken, some mozzarella cheese, some guacamole, salsa. I mean, I have, like, these, like. It's almost like a ten minute bank of just recipes that I've put together over time, that I know the macros. I've already put them into my macro tracking app, and that way you're able to pull them up and you're able to log them super easy. And it's just kind of like on the back of your head and you guys know if you go to your aunt's house or you go to your mom's house, like oftentimes they just kind of throw together some meals. And I remember growing up being like, Oh, how do you do that? Like, how do you remember these things? And it's just learned. Like it's just you've got to practice it over time. You just got to, you know, find stuff that is delicious and then also get out of your comfort zone. [00:20:59][99.2]

[00:20:59] So I know for me, I'm a creature of habit, right? I stick to what I know and I oftentimes have a hard time kind of straying off of that path just because I it you know, I'm scared. I'm like, I do. I want to waste my time. Do I want to waste my money? Like, am I really going to like it? But I want to challenge you just like I'm trying to challenge myself at least 1 to 3 new recipes on every 3 to 4 weeks. Like, I know that that might sound like a lot. It might not sound like a lot. For me, that's kind of a lot. But I want to challenge you to do that because it will help you to create a larger bank of just meals and snacks and go tos that you find super helpful. And again, this is going to just save you so much time and you'll realize that if you have that bank, you're so less likely to go off track or order that pizza, order that food out. [00:21:48][48.8]

[00:21:48] Again, nothing wrong with ordering food out, nothing wrong with going out to eat. But often times, if not managed properly, that's what's causing us to not see results because we're just throwing everything out the window. [00:22:00][11.6]

[00:22:00] And lastly, number seven plan to go out to eat. So when meal planning, don't expect yourself to be perfect. Don't expect yourself to cook meals at home all week, every week. It's just not realistic for the majority of people. So plan to go out to eat right If this is, you know, on Wednesdays you do this or on Thursday mornings you do this or Friday nights you do this, whatever it is, you have some go tos or you say, you know, on this day we're going to go out to eat. We're going to challenge ourselves to do something new and go try new places. I have a few guides on some restaurants on my website that actually make it super easy to go out to eat and stick to your macros. [00:22:35][35.1]

[00:22:36] So whether that is Chick-Fil-A or it's Taco Bell or that I'm talking fast food, but also like Texas Roadhouse or the Olive Garden, like there's so many different things. And if you just type into Pinterest fast food or restaurant macro friendly guide, you will find so many amazing things. We just we live in such a macro friendly era, especially with Pinterest being so wide widespread now it's man, it's so, so cool. So I encourage you to check that out. But going to these restaurants, really finding kind of what you like and also kind of these macro friendly options are so many different things. I'll just give you a quick example. [00:23:10][34.1]

[00:23:11] So I went to Red Robin for my mother in law's birthday, and I haven't been to Red Robin. Like we don't go there often, but I mean, I was on their website and I was just kind of looking at their menu ahead of time. I'm just kind of preparing like, how do I want to or what do I want to get, You know, I know I'm going to have cake and I'm going to have ice cream that's going to be more carb and fat heavy in terms of the macros that I'm eating in that day. And I found this enchilada chicken. So it was like two chicken breasts that were it was so good. I don't even know what the seasoning was, but it was so good. And then I got a side, a sweet potato fries and a Diet Coke On the side was so good. And I'm just telling you, like it was super easy to figure out the macros for that. And even three years ago it wouldn't have been that easy. And I just feel like restaurants have gotten so much better with that. [00:23:57][46.2]

[00:23:57] So plan to go out to eat and then also just take a 3 minutes to look at the menu ahead of time. If you can kind of look at the nutritional facts, see what's there, what's available, and then just enjoy it, like enjoy the heck out of it. I don't want you to feel like, oh, man, I can't enjoy this anymore. Like, if you want to have like a huge pasta dish, Amazing. What I encourage you to do is when you get that, if you can ask the waiter or waitress, say, Hey, you know, I know that this is probably likely going to be one or two, sometimes three or four servings. So ask them like immediately when they drop off the dish, like, Hey, can you bring me a to go box? And that way you're able to put half of it in it to go back. So you don't always see it on your plate and then you have it the next day. [00:24:37][39.5]

[00:24:37] Like there's so many different things that you can do and so that you are prioritizing your goals because that is a priority and really wanting to make sure that you're hitting your goals and feeling your best, but also not feeling like you can't eat the foods that you want to eat. That makes sense. [00:24:52][15.2]

[00:24:52] So I hope that these seven tips were helpful. Let me quickly recap what we talked about. Number one plan for leftovers are really prioritizing those protein batches, those carb, the car batches, whether that's pasta or that's breakfast sandwiches, like you're just making a bunch all at once. And that way you're able to utilize it through different meals and snacks throughout the week. Number two, establish a weekly recurring menu. So, you know, starting with 3 to 4 weeks saying, okay, on Mondays we're doing this on Tuesdays, we're having Mexican, on Wednesdays, we're having stir fry, whatever it is. But sticking to that reoccurring menu to kind of categorize certain things number. Pre calculate your macros so that you know kind of what your goals are in terms of breakfast, lunch and dinner macro target so that we are able to say, okay, these are my targets for my breakfast, what kind of breakfast recipes can I look for and just kind of planning it that way. Number four, utilizing meal delivery services. Number five, planning your macro breakdown per meal. Number six, planning some ten minute meals. And number seven, planning to actually go out to eat. If this all sounds amazing and you're like, This all sounds great. Okay, Now I feel like I am armed. I feel like I can actually conquer this nutrition thing, but I still just have no idea what my personal macros are. [00:26:03][71.2]

[00:26:04] Again, my macro counting mean simple online academy. That's exactly what that academy is for. We're going to help you calculate your macros based on your body and what your needs are to ensure optimal results. I give you a step by step guide on how to do that, how to really make macro accounting a lifestyle, how to utilize that tool, and so that you are able to utilize it for the rest of your life. I don't want you to feel like you have no idea what you're doing and you have to rely on a coach. The whole goal of this online academy is that you feel empowered yourself so that you can make informed decisions for the rest of your life. So again, I will link that in the show notes below. You can go to macro accounting made simple ecom. Again, that's macro counting made simple dot com, but I hope that you found this helpful. I would love to hear your aha moments. I would love to hear how you simplify your weekly meal planning. Maybe there's something in here that I could learn from you. So be sure to shoot me over a DM. I always love connect with you guys. That is all that I have for today's episode. I love you so much. I mean it. And I'll talk to the next one. [00:27:03][59.3]

[00:27:09] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, It's with a name in the middle for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it. [00:27:09][0.0]