9 Simple Ways to Show Yourself More Love Today (Part 1)



What are the small acts of self-love you practice in your daily life?

Life can be hectic, and it's easy to neglect the relationship we have with ourselves amidst our busy schedules. But remember, taking care of yourself is the foundation for building a healthier lifestyle and stronger relationships with others. So, whether you're a busy professional, a parent juggling multiple responsibilities, or just someone seeking a little more self-love, this episode is for you.

In today's episode, we'll explore the first four out of nine simple ways to show yourself more self-love. These strategies are accessible, practical, and don't require a complete lifestyle overhaul. You'll find out how to incorporate self-love seamlessly into your daily routine. Start implementing these practices, and you'll be well on your way to fostering a healthier relationship with yourself. You'll discover that self-love isn't just a buzzword; it's a tangible and achievable goal that can lead to a more fulfilling life.

What I discuss:

  1. Embrace Rest as a Necessity daily.

  2. Nourish with Nutritious Food and Movement daily.

  3. Embrace Your Imperfections daily.

  4. Do something for yourself daily.


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[00:00:00] Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][22.7]

[00:00:29] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode on the Embrace Your Real podcast. Here's the thing about self-love. Like we don't need to do any big grand gestures towards ourselves to show ourselves more self care appreciation. We can have small acts of love that we're doing on a daily basis, and these small acts will compound into something greater that finally lead to showing ourselves that we are respecting ourselves. And I get it though, like we are in the craziness of our lives, like it's easy to overlook. It's one of the most essential relationships that will ever have, the one that we have with ourselves. Like we're the only one that's ever going to experience what we do in our body, and nobody else can do that for us. And I think that that's it's a rude awakening sometimes to remember and to not be able to blame anybody else. [00:01:21][51.7]

[00:01:21] I know for me, like a default is to easily just blame other people or blame it on circumstances. And the fact of the matter is, like nobody else can love ourselves the way that we do. And obviously I'm a faith believer. I believe that God can show us how we can honor our bodies and how we can love ourselves in a way that he designed us to. And the father's love is one that is so far beyond human comprehension. But he also calls us to be a good steward of our body. And I think that that's really important to remember. And so that's why in today's episode, it's going to be a part one of a two part series, Nine Simple Ways to Show Yourself More Love Today. [00:01:59][37.5]

[00:01:59] So that's what we're going to be talking about. I'm going to be sharing with you some simple ways to show your self love in today's episode. And then next week, be sure to come back for part two. Before we dive in, though, I wanted to share this review. It comes from Jay in Long Beach as she gave a five star review and said, My new bestie, Jim Powell, she said, I'm incorporating so many of your Quick Hits changes to my routine reminder to just let it go into my life. I'm 61 years old and I've been a gym rat for most of my life and have been tweaking my diet, trying your suggestions and have seen fabulous changes. Thank you so much. Love your podcast. [00:02:34][34.5]

[00:02:34] Well, I am so grateful for you, all of you guys, young and old. I seriously love connecting with every single one of you and my hope and prayer every single time that I turn on this microphone is that I'm able to just encourage you, empower you, or educate you in some way, shape or form. So I'm grateful to hear that these suggestions are helping you and that you're seeing fabulous changes and that you're enjoying the podcast. If you guys could scooch over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating interview, that would mean so much to me and our team. It just helps us understand how the episodes are helping you, if they're helping you. And it also helps other people who stumble upon the podcast, they typically tend to look at their reviews and that's what they base the decision to listen or not to listen on. So thank you so, so much for doing that. Also, make sure to subscribe while you're at it. It's completely free and that just allows the episodes to be automatically downloaded to your phone so that you don't need phone service to listen to the episodes. [00:03:31][56.9]

[00:03:32] All right, let's dive into nine simple ways to show yourself more love today. Part one of a two part series. Number one, you got to embrace rest as a necessity daily. So let's be real. The society that we live in puts Hussle on a pedestal and it makes us feel less than when we take a moment to rest. But here's the thing I genuinely believe that resting is a form of self-care, and giving yourself the rest you deserve is an act of love towards your self. Rest is not a luxury. It does not mean that you're weak. It does not mean that you're lazy. It is a necessity. [00:04:04][32.2]

[00:04:05] So I need you to prioritize getting adequate sleep and allowing yourself moments of relaxation throughout the day by respecting your body's needs for rest. You're acknowledging the fact that you are worthy of care and rejuvenation, and because of that, you are going to honor your body with rest. This is something that I've talked about on the podcast before. I've struggled with it in the past. I still honestly struggle with it on a weekly basis, but it is something that has just been a part of who I am now. And I take a Sabbath on Sundays. I believe that it's biblical. I also believe that God genuinely blesses us when we rest, like He genuinely gives us supernatural strength and wisdom and joy and rest. And it has just been a beautiful thing for our family to implement the Sabbath every Sunday. And it helps just kind of reset the day. I'm sorry, reset well, both the day, but also sets us up for a week of productivity, right? I believe that we are to be productive with our time. Now, that's not all the time, but I do believe that we are called to be good stewards of our time. And a part of that is being productive with our time. [00:05:15][69.8]

[00:05:15] And I think that one of the best ways that we can be the most productive with our time is if we prioritize that rest. And so implementing rest on a daily basis, making sure that you're getting enough rest, you're allowing your. Tough to grasp, but then also on a weekly basis, I think is really important as well. [00:05:29][14.4]

[00:05:30] Number two, nourishing it with nutritious foods and movement daily. So caring for your physical health. I truly believe it's a fundamental act of self-love, self-respect. If you love yourself, then you're going to give the body that you have been given movement and nourishment that it deserves. Right? This isn't about adhering to a strict diet or an intense workout routine. It's really about loving yourself through nourishing yourself. It's about prioritizing things that contribute to you, feeling energized, you feeling vibrant, and you feeling like your best self. I mean, without nourishment and without movement, it is truly impossible to feel any of those things. [00:06:08][38.2]

[00:06:09] Number three, embrace your imperfections daily. We all know that perfection is unattainable. I talk about it all the time in the podcast, and this unrealistic standard can lead to self-criticism and unhappiness. And yet for some reason, we still continue to chase it by expecting our bodies and our life to be perfect and shaming it for not being perfect. We aren't showing ourselves love and respect. So instead of striving for this flawless ness, give yourself permission to make mistakes, to have imperfection, and to let go of the idea that everything around you needs to be perfect this. And by you doing this on a daily and weekly basis, I believe this is you showing yourself that love and that respect. And you can do it as simple as just saying, you know, it's okay that I'm not doing it perfectly and showing yourself that grace on a daily basis. [00:07:03][54.4]

[00:07:04] And another thing to remember is in your failures, I think oftentimes we we think, oh, my gosh, we failed. Like we just beat ourselves up about it. I came up with this motto and I mean, it could have been from somebody else, but I've adopted this, I would say about four or five years ago, fail fast so you can succeed sooner. And in every failure there's a gift to be learned and there's a gift to be received. And so allowing yourself the opportunity to fail, to feel the failure and then also say, okay, how can I learn from this so that I can succeed sooner? And also, what is the gift of this failure? I think that that's really important, too, because I really believe that we can learn a lot when we are down and out, and that that place of humility really allows us to be in a place to listen to whatever it is that we're supposed to be learning in that season of life. [00:07:59][55.5]

[00:08:00] Number four, Do something for yourself. Daily life is chaotic for all of us. There's no doubt about it. For that, we're all stressed. We all have so many responsibilities, endless to do lists. And I know that doing something for ourself daily can really sound impossible. But I'm asking you to put yourself first in just a small sliver of your day. It could be after everybody else goes to sleep. It could be before everybody else wakes up. It could be on nap time. It could be you saying, I've got to go to the bathroom and just putting yourself in a closet for 5 to 10 minutes and doing something for yourself. But just remember, it is crucial that that act daily, it's a small, small act. And I know it's going to feel out of place. It might feel selfish when you first start to implement it. It can genuinely transform your life. And I always tell people this, that we obviously you've heard the cliche saying you can't pour from an empty cup. [00:08:57][57.8]

[00:08:58] But I believe that when you prioritize yourself, you're actually allowing the people and the roles and the responsibilities that you have on a daily and weekly basis, you are allowing those people and those roles to get the best version of yourself when you prioritize yourself. And so if it feels selfish, I want you to instead flip the script, flip the narrative in your mind and say, No, this is not selfish. I'm doing this so that I can be the best version of myself so that I can serve those who I love in my best capacity. And when you reframe that in your mindset, it actually gives whatever you're doing as the act of self-love, self-care, self-respect, more meaning. And when it has more meaning, we're more apt to do it more regularly. Because when there's this deep founded meaning attached to it, it just changes something in our mind. Because we're wired for community, we're wired to serve. Others were wired to love others. And so when we kind of look at what we're doing as a form to love others deeper and more presently, then it allows us to do it more consistently, if that makes sense. [00:10:09][70.9]

[00:10:10] So I want to ask you, what is one thing that you can do for yourself today? Ask yourself this today. Ask yourself this tomorrow. Ask yourself this the day after that and every day after that. Just what is one thing that I can do today and remember to reframe it? In your mindset. I'm doing this so that I can be the best version of myself so that I can serve others in my best capacity. So there you have it. [00:10:34][24.5]

[00:10:34] There is the first four of our nine simple ways that you can show your self-love today. Let me recap what we talked about. Number one, embrace rest. Daily as a necessity. I also want to encourage you to implement the Sabbath. You can even do it as a family. So even if that's, you know, on one day of the week, it does even have to be on Sundays. It can be on a different day of the week. We're going to spend this day as a family. We're going to prioritize our family time. We're going to maybe do games. We're going to go outside. We're going to do one thing as a family and we're not going to have other people over. We're not going to be going here. We're not going to be going there, but we're going to be prioritizing our rest. We're going to be honoring you for your faith, believe we're going to be honoring God. You're going to be thanking him for the gifts that he's bestowed upon you and your family and allow that supernatural rest to be in your life. It is so transformative. [00:11:23][49.2]

[00:11:24] Number two. Nourish with nutritious foods and movement daily. Remember, it is our I believe it is our God given gift to do that. We are to be good stewards of our self, of our bodies that we've been given. And I believe that it's a duty to honor our body on a daily basis, to esteem it, to put it in high regard, and not to have it be an idol in our life, but to remember that we are to be good stewards of our body. [00:11:52][28.0]

[00:11:53] Number three, embrace your imperfections daily. Remember, we're not perfect. Remember that failure? There's a gift. In every failure. There is an opportunity and every failure. So just ask yourself, you know, if you're failing, what is the gift? What is it that I can learn from? And don't. Don't hold yourself to such a high standard. Give yourself the grace. [00:12:13][20.2]

[00:12:13] Number four, do something for yourself daily. So crucial. Remember? And you're doing this because you want to be the best version of yourself so that you can serve others in your best capacity. So write this down over the next week. I want you to check off these things. I want you to check at least two, if not three, of these four things that I talked about. This is my challenge to you, and I want you to do that every single day. I want you to ask yourself, like, am I embracing rest? Am I nourishing my body with food and movement? Am I remembering? And to embrace the imperfection by not holding myself to the highest standard that is just going to beat me up? [00:12:54][40.5]

[00:12:55] And lastly, am I doing something daily for myself and just reframing that in your mindset? If you love this episode, I know you'll also love episode 108 Self-love. The number one thing that transformed my mindset when it comes to self-love, self-care, self respect. So I will link that in the show notes below. [00:13:10][15.7]

[00:13:11] Remember, this is part one of a two part series, so be sure to come back next week to hear the remaining ways to show yourself more love. Today. If you have a friend or coworker or someone in your life that you feel like could really benefit from this specific episode, I sassy share it out with them. You can copy the link, send it to them in a text message. You can also screenshot this and post it up on your Instagram story. We love connecting with you. We love hearing from you. That is all that I have for today though. I love you so much. I mean it. And I'd like to know for you. [00:13:42][31.1]

[00:13:44] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, It's with an A in the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace the real because you're worth it. [00:13:44][0.0]
