Feeling Unmotivated? Here are 5 Things You Need to Hear…



In moments when we feel we unmotivated, it can be tempting to skip a workout. However, this is not doom and gloom.

Overcoming lack of motivation takes time and effort, and it requires a willingness to embrace discomfort. In this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast, we will discuss five things to keep in mind when you feel like skipping your workout. These tips will help you stay committed to your fitness goals and prioritize your future self.

What I discuss:

  1. You can do anything for 30 minutes.

  2. The only way to reach your goals is through hard work.

  3. Showing up when you don't want to builds mental strength.

  4. Make showing up a part of your identity.

  5. It's about commitment, not just motivation.

If you loved this episode, you’ll also love:

Episode 57: How to Motivate Yourself to Do Something You Don't Want to Do

If you want more from me, be sure to check out...

Instagram: @embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie

Movement With Julie Workout App: https://sale.movementwithjulie.com/sales-page-577257291672448024184

Website: www.juliealedbetter.com

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Macro Counting Made Simple: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/

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Hey, hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of embrace your Real with me, julie Labbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real, let's get it. Let's go. Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. If you are feeling unmotivated, I need to tell you five things in today's bonus episode. That is exactly what we're going to walk through so that you can feel encouraged and you can have this pep talk, so that you can really unleash this unwavering commitment to your future self and you can follow through on all the things that you set out to do.


Before we dive in, though, I wanted to share this review. It comes from AVIC four. She gave a five star review and said, love it. I'm only a few episodes in, but I'm loving Julie's podcast. I follow Julie and Joshua on Instagram and I find their story so unique and interesting. Cannot wait to get my friends and family hooked on it, too. Keep it up, girlfriend. You are inspiring so many. I love this so much. Thank you so much, not only for your support on the podcast, but also just saying that you follow Joshua and I.


Oh, my gosh. And you find our story so unique and interesting. That is another podcast for another day. But I have to say, as a hearing and deaf couple, we are definitely different than a lot of people and it surprises a lot of you know, we don't have a lot of videos out there, at least Joshua and I, yet. This is something we've talked about we want to do in the future, but as of right now, in this season of life, we don't have a lot of videos out there. And I think it's just mysterious for people. They're like, how do you communicate with someone who's deaf? Or they just don't have a lot of knowledge on that. And trust me, I didn't either. Joshua was actually the first deaf person that I've ever met, and I did not know sign language and I was not immersed into that world whatsoever prior to meeting him. But now, having been married for eight years and together for over ten, I can tell you I have learned so, so much.


So that is for another podcast and another day. But today we are going to be sharing and I'm going to be sharing with you five things that you need to hear. If you are feeling unmotivated, just think of me sitting across from you at a coffee shop and you're just telling me, julie, I'm feeling so unmotivated. I have these goals, but I just feel like I have excuses for everything. I just cannot get myself to properly fuel my body. I cannot get myself to get my workouts in or my workouts are just subpar. I am here to pep you up. I'm here to pump you up. I'm here to give you all of the pep talks and the sisterly love and the kind of push that you need.


So tune in. This is going to be one that you want to bookmark for future reference. Number one, you have to remember this. You can do anything for ten minutes. And I say ten minutes because this is my ten minute rule. And I've talked about this before, but when I am not feeling motivated and I am dreading walking my butt downstairs to my basement to get my workout in, I tell myself I can do anything for ten minutes.


I start there. I can do anything for ten minutes. Ten minutes is nothing in the grand scheme of things. And so I tell myself, okay, I'm just going to go down there. And sometimes it is in my slippers, sometimes it is in my pajamas. Sometimes it's with my retainer in and my glasses on. Okay, some of the workouts, my basement does not see my best self, but it is what it is. And that's what I love about dumble workouts at home. But I tell myself I can do anything for ten minutes.


I start with ten minutes, and I tell myself at the end of ten minutes, if I'm like, hey, that's good, I walk my butt upstairs. I will be proud of that because at least I told myself ten minutes. I committed to that. And then I followed through on that commitment. But likely I would say nine times out of ten. Eight to nine times out of ten, I'm going to be honest, eight to nine times out of ten, I am ten minutes in.


I'm feeling good. Blood is flowing. I'm feeling strong. I'm feeling proud of myself for following through. And I say, okay, just another ten minutes. And then that ten minutes turns into 20 minutes, and then the 20 minutes turns in 30 minutes. And then typically those days that I'm not feeling motivated, I'll stop at 30 minutes. There's some days where I'll push and I go for a 60 minutes workout, but most of the time I'll be from ten minutes to 30 minutes.


That is a huge victory. And just remembering this, you can do anything for ten minutes. You can do anything for 30 minutes. Remember, it's not going to be easy. It might not always be enjoyable, but you are capable of pushing through. Whether you find the strength in the workout or the struggle through the workout, you can push through for that 30 minutes.


You are mentally and physically strong enough to push through for that 30 minutes, no matter how much or how little motivation you have. Truly, 30 minutes is a fraction of your day. You only have to feel uncomfortable for 30 out of 1440 minutes that you get in your day, that's two 2% of your entire day. You can do it. I know you can. Number two, the only way to reach your goals is through hard work.


You have to remember this. You have to remember that there are no shortcuts, there are no quick fixes, there are no alternate solutions to building the body that you want. Long term, long term, that's key. The path to success is paved with dedication, with effort and consistent hard work. Only each workout that you are overcoming, you're unmotivated, you're frustrated. You don't want to do this, you're cussing, whatever it is.


You have to remember that each workout is a stepping stone towards building the body that you want. And if you continue to skip your workouts, if you continue to cheap out on yourself, you're going to continue to skip the hard work that is needed to get to that end result of reaching your goals. Your goals are within reach. If you have realistic goals, they should be within reach. But you must be willing to put in the work. No one else can do it for you but yourself. You, yes, you have the power to transform your body. You have the opportunity to transform your life through dedication, through unwavering commitment, and through this desire to see your future self thriving.


So get the work in, no matter what. Yes, it's going to be ugly. Yes, there's going to be days that you're crying. Yes, there's going to be days that you're cussing. Yes, there's going to be days that you're laughing at yourself because you're like, oh my gosh, this is actually easier than I thought.


But every single day is one step closer towards your goal. You have to remember that. Number three, showing up when you don't want to builds the mental strength, understanding that by showing up for your workouts, especially when you lack the motivation, you are not only building physical strength, but you are also building this mental fortitude that will make you stronger. Not all things in life are comfortable. In fact, a lot of things in life are not comfortable. You have to remember that in these uncomfortable moments, that's when you grow, that's when you become mentally tougher. So I need you to embrace the challenges, the sweat drenched sessions, the moments of doubt. And every time that you push through and you show up, you become a stronger version of yourself, both physically, mentally and spiritually. If you allow yourself to be. Remember that growth happens outside your comfort zone. And with each workout that you conquer, with each commitment that you follow through on, you are becoming more resilient from the inside out in all aspects of your life.


And I talk about this a lot, but the work ethic that you have in your workouts will 100% no doubt follow through to the rest of your day. In all the other areas of your life. Are you going to follow through on your workout? Great. That means you're going to follow through on your commitment to your family. That means you're going to follow through on that commitment to your boss. That means you're going to follow through on your commitment to God. That means you're going to follow through on your commitment to your work or to the areas in which that you volunteer or that you are connected to in your community. The work ethic that you have in your workouts 100% will follow you throughout the rest of your day and your life. You have to remember that. Number four. Make showing up a part of your identity. I am someone who doesn't skip a workout. I am someone who pushes through when I'm not motivated. I am someone who follows through on the commitments that I make to myself.


Speaking this out loud daily to yourself in the mirror will be silly. It will feel silly. You'll probably laugh at yourself. You'll call yourself stupid. I remember when I first started doing this. I'm like, this is silly. But it's true. The words that we speak to ourselves hold power. They do hold power. And so we have to remember that if recognize that if those words hold power, then we need to reinforce this commitment.


We need to establish this powerful self identity rooted in dedication and determination. And this is not only in your workouts. This can be in your spiritual life. I am someone who has a quiet time daily. I am someone who starts my day in God's word. I am someone who prays unwaveringly like all of these things that you desire. I am someone who loves my husband despite the days and the weeks that I don't want to. Or I am someone who loves my child when they are driving me crazy. Or I am someone who shows up for my friends even when I don't feel like it. Or whatever it is that you are trying to do in your life, to grow in your life, you are reminding yourself of that believing in your capabilities and letting these statements resonate in your mind and your heart and remembering that it's who you are at your core.


These are your identity. These are your value statements that you are speaking in your life. Number five it's about commitment, not just motivation. I'll also add it's also about dedication. Realizing that true transformation is not solely reliant on motivation. It is about making a deep commitment to yourself and to your goals. I need you to take a moment to reflect on how badly you want to reach your goals.


How would it feel if one year from now you still hadn't made an ounce of progress? Or worse, you've backtracked? And the reason that you've backtracked or you haven't made progress is because, you know, you didn't put the work in. It wasn't because it was some unfortunate situation or circumstance that would feel crappy, that would feel discouraging, you'll likely feel frustrated or down on yourself. Because when you make the commitment to yourself, you've got to follow through on it. You've got to embrace the realization that commitment is the driving force that will push you forward. It's your commitment to your future self that will get you to where you want to be one year from now. Show up for that woman. Show up for that woman that you want to become. Without the commitment to that woman, you're going to struggle to get to where you want to be today. When motivation fades, allow your commitment to take over and keep you going. Let me recap what I talked about. Number one, you can do anything for ten minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Remember that 30 minutes is 2% of your entire day. Number two, the only way to reach your goals is through hard work. Number three, showing up when you don't want to builds mental strength and stamina. Number four, making showing up and committing to yourself a part of your identity, these value statements that you live by. And number five, remembering it's about commitment, not just motivation. If you love this episode, I know you also love episode 57, how to Motivate Yourself to do Something You don't Want to do.

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I will link that in the show notes below. I hope that this pep talk gave you exactly what you needed to go out there, follow through on your commitments and grow. Do it for your future self. Do it for the people that you love. Because when we invest in ourselves, when we become the best version of ourselves, we're able to serve those who we love in our best capacity.


That is why you should be striving for this day in and day out. It's not just about self. It's not just about you. Although that is important. Because without you being in your best health, in your best mindset, all of these things, you're not going to be able to serve those who you love in your best capacity. Okay? Remember that I love you so dang much. I mean it. And I'll talk to you in the next one. All right, sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie, a leadbetter. Yes. It's with an A in the middle for that daily post workout. Real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check.


The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real. Because you're worth it's