Starting Now vs. Starting January 1st



Have you ever delayed working on your goals, waiting for a specific date to start?

With 2023 almost behind us, it's time to take a pause and reflect on those goals and resolutions that might have been forgotten in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The good news is you still have two months to reignite your aspirations, and the best time to start is now.

In this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast, I'll encourage you to take action now and not wait for the "perfect" January 1st. We'll discuss why immediate action is key, as it's the only time we truly have.

Remember that every moment you invest in your goals now is a step toward a brighter and more fulfilling future. Take charge of your remaining two months in 2023, and let's make progress together.



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[00:00:00] Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Role with Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][22.7]

[00:00:29] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. Can you believe it? We are ten months deep into the year, literally ten months with 2024 right in front of us. I think that it's time to reflect on what we did in 2023. So I want you to remember that list that you made at the start of the year with all your goals, all your aspirations, all your resolutions. Yeah, that one that literally got buried into the chaos of everyday life. [00:00:55][26.5]

[00:00:56] Well, I want to bring this up because you still have two months left of this year to get started. And the beautiful thing is that you have the opportunity to get started. Right now, there is no reason to wait. There is no perfect moment to get started. There is only time to start because now is really all that we ever have anyways, right? We're not promised tomorrow. We don't need to dwell on the past. We only have the opportunity to take hold of what today has in store. And today you have the choice of saying, This is my day one. I've starting over or continue saying one day, one day I'll do it. [00:01:39][42.9]

[00:01:39] I know that's so cliché and we see that all the time. But truly, you have two choices in front of you. Is this day one or is this still one day? Before we dive in, I want to share this review. It comes from Lisa B from Mass. I'm assuming that means Massachusetts, but I could be wrong. She gave a five star review and said, Love Julie's message. I followed Julianne Edy for a year before I found this podcast and her movement with Julie app. I have to say every day I look forward to unique and challenging workouts in the app. So much detail with the videos on how to log cheese and alternate exercise. But more importantly, I look forward to every podcast. The wonderful advice, her authenticity and positive message. She covers a wide range of topics that help me make me feel good about myself, which is also so empowering. Thank you. Julie. [00:02:25][46.5]

[00:02:26] Well, thank you so much, Lisa B I'm so grateful for you. Thank you so much for tuning in and I'm thankful that these podcasts are helping you. Also, I love to hear that you are enjoying the moment with Julie App. That's one of the things that I pride myself most is I know the struggle of consistently showing up for your workouts, and I know that often times that struggle comes from feeling bored in your workouts. And so for me, I personally I mean, if you guys follow me, you guys know that I do all of these workouts, like right alongside of you. And that's one of the coolest features of this program, is just knowing that I have, you know, thousands of women all across the world that are literally doing the same workouts as me on a week to week basis is just it's just encouraging to know that I have an army of women be like beside me in this journey, but also the fact that the workouts change from week to week. It keeps me engaged and keeps me excited like I am almost four years deep into dumbbell workouts at home. And I can sincerely tell you there is not a day that goes by that I am not just so grateful for this journey and also so incredibly grateful for dumbbells like the amount of variety that dumbbells have and just following new and fresh workouts every single week just helps me stay engaged. [00:03:41][75.4]

[00:03:42] But the cool thing about the programing is that I always program foundational movement. So you're going to see, you know, the Romanian deadlift, you're going to see the bicep curls, you're going to see the hammer curls, you're going to see the skull crushers, but you're going to have so many different variations that it keeps it fun and engaging and exciting, so, so grateful that the app is helping you and that the podcast is helping you. I am just I could not be more thankful for this community. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [00:04:08][26.7]

[00:04:09] Okay, so before I dive into what I want to share with you today, I first want you to take a deep breath like. I want you to pause for a moment, take that long, deep inhale followed by that long, deep exhale. Do you feel that that is the present moment? Right now is the present moment that you are feeling. Not tomorrow, not yesterday. Not one month from now. Not the new year. Right here and right now. And right here. And right now is where that magic happens. I know it's easy to just start fresh January 1st. I know that date in our mind holds so much power. But here's the thing. Nothing really changes on January 1st. [00:05:00][51.3]

[00:05:01] Nothing magical is going to happen or change that will miraculously make it easy to work towards your goals. We don't know what will happen two months from now. We don't know if it's going to be a better time or a worse time. We just don't know. That's why all we need to think about is right now. Because why wait for a specific day to start living the life that you want? Every moment you delay as a moment, not live to the fullest. I need you to think about this Come January 1st. How are you going to feel? What if you went in to January 1st feeling ten steps ahead, 15 steps ahead, two months ahead? It's not about completing everything by New Year's Eve. It's about setting the pace now. It's about developing habits now. It's about making progress, no matter how small. So that when the New Year rolls around, instead of just starting from scratch, you're simply continuing your stride. [00:06:01][60.3]

[00:06:02] Let me say that again. Imagine how it would feel on January 1st to be ten steps ahead rather than ten steps behind. Imagine it being January 1st, and you already have a clear roadmap of where you want to be in 2024. Imagine already having created that solid foundation for who you want to become and what you want to do in 2024. That can happen if you start right now. This podcast is releasing on Thursday, October 26. There is nothing special about that date. Maybe you're listening on a Wednesday, a Saturday, Tuesday. It doesn't matter what day it is. Doesn't matter what day you're listening to. It is. It doesn't matter if the time isn't perfect. What matters is that you start building the body that you want from this point. [00:06:46][44.0]

[00:06:46] Moving on. If your goal this year was to feel happier or stronger or more confident in your body, then there are two specific actions steps that you can take today to start working towards your goals. You don't have to wait for the new year. You can start right now and be ten steps ahead when the new Year comes again. What would it look like if when New Year rolls around instead of starting from scratch? You're simply continuing your stride. The first action step that you can take is to learn how to properly feel your body so that you can go into the holiday season feeling your best, feeling you're most confident in your relationship with food. Because if there is anything about what November and December can show us is our major either anxieties around food or it can be a time where we are not fixating so much on food, we are focusing on the friendships, we're focusing on the company, we're focusing on the moment. [00:07:51][64.6]

[00:07:52] And that is one thing that I am so grateful for, that I have learned by utilizing the tool of macro counting in my decade plus long journey in this health and fitness space. Is that properly fueling your body and having that healthy and thriving relationship with food can make the holiday season so much more fun? Because you're no longer stressed about the holiday parties and fixating on the food of what you're going to eat or what you're not going to eat, and not even spending any time in that relationship with the people that you love your coworkers, your family, your friends. You can go into the holiday season with a solid foundation of I know how to properly feel my body. I know what foods are going to give me energy. I'm going to feel confident not only in my body but also around food so that that can totally transform your holiday experience. [00:08:42][50.4]

[00:08:43] So if you want to learn more, I do have a program. It's called Macro Ccounting Made Simple Online Academy. You can go to macro counting made simple dot com. Again, that's just macro counting made simple dot com. I will also link it in the show notes, but this will help you navigate the holiday season. Feeling confident in your nutrition choices. It will also teach you that you can enjoy your favorite holiday foods while still working towards the body that you want, which is truly a beautiful thing. [00:09:07][24.5]

[00:09:08] And the second action step that you can take is to download movement with Julie app and join as a monthly subscriber. So what you get for as a monthly subscriber? There is access to five brand new workouts every single week. All these workouts require is a pair, two of dumbbells and a small space. Now, if you have resistance bands with the removable handles, that's a bonus. If you have an adjustable bench, that's a bonus, but you don't need those things. I always give alternate exercises, so you truly only need a few pair of dumbbells in a small space and you can get a killer workout in five burning workouts every week. [00:09:42][33.8]

[00:09:42] You can use all five, you can use two, you can use three, whatever it is, Go at your own pace style, meaning that there are video demos for every single movement, but you set the pace, you set the tone. So that mind muscle connection is there. There's alternate exercises, so you know, no bench, low impact easier. So it really can cater to all fitness levels. There's a 60 minute and a 30 minute variation for every single workout. So depending on your time constraints, you pick one. And again, it completely takes the guesswork out of it for you. If you're short on time, you can still squeeze in a workout. What I tell women is if you cannot commit to all five workouts, which trust me, that's a lot. [00:10:24][41.6]

[00:10:24] I understand if you're a mom, if you're working professional, I get it. Life is busy. Try to aim for three three dumbbell workouts, 30 minutes per week. Focus on your steps. Focus on maximizing your protein intake. That is truly the combo that you will need to see results. If it's three days a week, focus on lower body, upper body, full body. If it's all five days a week, amazing. You have access to a private community group, you have access to messaging inside the app. With me, I love connecting with my movement. Julie Ladies, you guys are amazing and I truly believe in the power of dumbbell workouts, not just because they can just be as effective as gym workouts, but the consistency that I see women following through on these dumbbell workouts because these workouts are so convenient. That is what hypes me up. That is what keeps me going, is to see these women rolling through. Hitting, you know, milestone 25 workouts, 50 workouts, 100 workouts, 675 workouts a girl hit two weeks ago. I'm like 600. You have been working out with me for 675 workouts. That is incredible. [00:11:32][67.6]

[00:11:33] Think about the consistency. Think about where you could be if you just continue to work towards that consistency. You continue that stride. So if you want to learn more, I do have a sale going on right now. So if you join as a brand new subscriber, you get 30% off your entire month, which is literally $10 for your first month and you can go to sale. That's s-a-l-e dot movement with Julie dot com to find the link in the show notes. [00:12:00][27.5]

[00:12:01] I also have tons of exercises on my with Julie, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Facebook, all of the above. So you can start with that. But I'm telling you, having a structured plan is going to keep you on track simply because it completely takes the guesswork out of it for you. You have two months left to take control. I have given you two very simple solutions that you can literally take action on today. So my question to you is, what are you going to do? Are you going to be ten steps ahead come January 1st? I guarantee if you say yes, you're not going to regret it. [00:12:36][35.1]

[00:12:36] All right. That is all that I have for today's pep talk. I love you so dang much. I mean it. Let's go out there and make the last two months of 2023 our absolute best. Strongest. I want to see your goals for the last eight weeks of the year, so be sure to tag me on movement with Julie, Instagram, Facebook. Be sure to tag me on Embrace your real Instagram. Whatever floats your boat. I am on all of those platforms. All right. Whatever one you want to tag me on. I love seeing it. I love connect with the guys. I love you so much. I mean, I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:13:09][32.6]

[00:13:18] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie, A Ledbetter. Yes. It's with an A in the middle for that daily post work out real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace Maria because you're worth it. [00:13:18][0.0]
