8 Holiday Reminders I Know You Need Today



Now that the holiday season is in full swing, I've got some important reminders to share on Embrace Your Real. These insights are aimed at changing your perspective, bringing you hope, strength, courage, and joy.

Join me in this episode as I dive into crucial reminders post-holidays. From choosing memories over macros to embracing a confident self, I've got insights to help you navigate the aftermath of the festive season. This episode is all about fostering a positive mindset and building a sustainable approach to health and fitness.

What I discuss:

  1. Sometimes, it’s okay to choose memories over macros.

  2. Enjoy the holidays as long as it feels good.

  3. Step into today feeling confident in who you are

  4. Take a moment to express gratitude for who you are and what you have right now. 

  5. Don’t even think about punishing yourself for everything you eat today or for everything you ate through the holidays

  6. Focus on getting back to your normal routine, not making up for the “damage” you did

  7. You don’t need to start a fad diet 

  8. It’s not a race to “lose your holiday weight”. 

If you loved this episode, be sure to tune in to…

Episode 295: 8 Ways to Enter the New Year Successfully 

If you want more from me, be sure to check out...

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Macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/

Website: www.juliealedbetter.com

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[00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get hugs, girl. Hello and welcome back. [00:00:28][28.1]

[00:00:29] To another episode on the Embrace, your real podcast. For those of you who celebrate Christmas. Merry Christmas. For those of you who don't. I'm wishing you a beautiful and joyous day. I know we have worldwide listeners all over. And either way, I just assume that for many of us, the holiday season can have us feeling off track in some way, shape or form. Whether this is mentally, emotionally or physically. And so that's why in today's Embrace your episode, I have some very important reminders to share with you that I hope will change your perspective on how you're feeling right now. And I hope that this episode will give you hope, strength, courage and joy. But before we dive in, I wanted to share this review. It comes from Black Butterfly 71. She gave a five star review and said eight things for entering the new Year successfully. I was looking through different podcasts to listen to and I wanted to listen to something that discussed preparing for the upcoming year and being successful. I really enjoyed your podcast and the information that you share to help me revisit my vision board and my journal where I wrote my goals for this year. Life happened and I did not achieve my goals as I set out to, but thank you for providing the tools to reflect. Question Define and not falling for a quick fix as I sat and knew goals for the New Year. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and this has been so informative. I look forward to hearing more from you. I love this so much. I love these podcast reviews just because it helps me put it into perspective. You know, the woman who is listening to the podcast and it helps us just overall create more content for you. And so thank you so much for taking time out of your day. I'm grateful that you were able to listen to this podcast. It really sounds like you took it to heart and you started, you know, taking some things and implementing them. Because I want for all of us, this whole embrace your community to have a successful 2024. And so that is why I'm putting out these podcast episode so that you can feel like you have the tools that you need to go into the new year strong so that you don't end up falling for that quick fix because that's what's going to be advertised here. If it's not already bombarding your feed right now, which I guarantee starting December 26th through probably February, middle of February, that's all you're going to see is, you know, lose £10 here, lose £15 in 30 days, like all these crazy diets and quick fixes and fad diets that I just speaking from experience please do not dabble into is not only going to wreak havoc on your mind, it's going to wreak havoc on your body. And I want you to go into 2024 with a solid plan that you can see yourself doing for six years, eight years, ten years down the road. Okay. So thank you so much for taking time out of your day. Black Butterfly 71 for leaving that review. It really does mean the world. Okay, so let's dive into the eight holiday reminders that I know you need to hear today. And if it's not Christmas and you're listening to this, I guarantee you'll need these reminders in some way, shape or form. So bookmark this if you don't have time to listen to the whole episode today. Number one, sometimes it's okay to choose memories over macros. Seriously, it is not about perfection, it is about consistency. And you can't always expect to always put macros in front of memories because then you're going to miss out on experiencing life to the fullest. You're going to be focusing so much on what are the macros in this and you're going to be fixating on that, especially, you know, if you're out of your routine, you're traveling because let's be real. Sometimes food is the huge part of the enjoyment as the experience, especially during the holiday season. So if not giving yourself permission to enjoy the food freely takes away from your enjoyment, then you probably should choose the memories over macros. When you look back on your life, you're not going to be thankful for all the times that you chose to count macros. Instead of creating memories, you're going to look back at your life remembering all of the memories. So if counting your macros in that moment takes away from you fully experiencing a moment with your friends or family, please, please, please choose memories. You can always count your macros tomorrow. Number two Enjoy the holidays as long as it feels good. So when choosing memories over macros, it's important to not just toss in the towel and overindulge every single time because that's just not going to make you feel good, which isn't going to contribute to building a happy memory long term, right? Sometimes when we give ourselves permission to go all in, we overdo it. So when you choose that memory of macro, just be mindful of how this is going to make you feel like, sure, eat a cookie or two. But will eating ten cookies make you feel good? Will it make you enjoy the holidays even more? The answer probably no. Probably make you feel worse. So make sure that you find your ground like enjoy you know the holidays without strict guidelines, but still be mindful of how things will make you feel. Because at the end of the day, if you don't feel good, you're likely not going to create those unforgettable memories. Number three, step into today feeling confident in who you are. So I know that. The holiday season can sometimes amplifier insecurities, like we're seeing old friends or seeing family members we haven't seen in a long time. And this can make us look at ourselves in a very critical way. But here's the thing Nothing is more beautiful than confidence. And I mean, like I say, at the end of every single podcast episode, the most beautiful women that I know are the ones who truly embrace themselves. They feel confident and secure in their own skin. So when you show up to that holiday party this week or even the New Year and your insecurities are starting to take over, just remind yourself who you are, who you are, You are strong, you are resilient, you are smart, you are loving, you are dedicated, You are so many things and these values are what define you. You are a compilation of your values, not a compilation of these vanity metrics. You are your values, not the number on the scale, not the pants size that you wear, not how many workouts you skip this year, or haven't been on track with your nutrition. Like those are not the things that define you. So I want you to show up feeling confident in who you are at your core and let that confidence radiate, because no one can really question your worth when you show up already knowing your worth. I repeat that again. No one can question your worth when you already show up knowing your worth and owning that. Number four take a moment to express gratitude for who you are and what you have right now. The holidays oftentimes make us concentrate on things that we don't have. We didn't get this. We didn't get that. We look at, you know, others during their holiday season. Oh, theirs is more magical. They have so many more memories. Look at all these cute Instagrams. And we wish that we got, you know, everything we did, everything that they did this holiday season. We're looking at others with so much comparison going on, like I could list off, you know, examples forever of this cute Instagram family and this cute holiday story and all of these things. And so that's why I want you to take a moment to express some gratitude for the beauty of what you have right now and the beauty of who you are right now. Remember that gratitude and envy cannot coexist. It's impossible if you are grateful for who you are and what you have. It is impossible for jealousy and envy to survive. So today, you know, this week, this month, when you're at that holiday party and jealousy or envy starts to arise in your mind, I want you to beat it down by telling yourself at saturating your mind with things that you're grateful for. And once today passes, the holiday season starts to come to an end. I think it's easy to start to get super critical of our bodies or the weight that we so-called gain during the holidays. And this is another perfect opportunity to express gratitude. When you start to want to shame your body, replace it with gratitude. Your body is allowing you to move your bodies, allowing you to breathe, to live. It allows you to create these memories with your family, with your friends. It allows you to have a beautiful holiday season. It allows you to live your life to the fullest. So don't shame it for that. Instead, it doesn't deserve shame. It deserves so much gratitude and intention. Number five Don't even think about punishing yourself for everything that you eat today or this week or this month. If you feel like you overindulged too much, it already happened. It's done. You can't go back. You can't change it. You can't change the fact that, you know, you wait three pieces of pie instead of one. You can't undo all the wine that you drank. You can't take any of it back. So you know what? There's no point in continuing to beat yourself up about it. If there's nothing you can do about it, then beating yourself up is just wasted energy. So don't make yourself feel more guilty, Don't have regret, Don't continue to have these toxic thoughts about it. What's done is done. Move on. Seriously, move on. Use that energy to honor and cherish your body instead. It will not only make you feel so much better, but it's also such a better use of your energy. Number six Focus on getting back to your normal routine, not making up for the damage that you did. You don't need to eat less or work out more or go on a fad diet to, quote, undo the damage that you did. You don't need to earn your food until you've lost the weight that you've gained. All you need to do is get back to your normal routine of honoring your body, moving your body and nourishing your body. Get back to doing your thing again and you'll get back to feeling good again very soon. Just focus on getting back to your regular rate, your regular workout routine, being consistent with it, not trying to fit in those extra workouts to lose weight faster. Just focus on giving your body the nutrients that it needs right now. Not trying to eat less because you think that will make up for all the food that you ate today or last week. Again, focus on getting back to a normal routine, nothing more, nothing else. Once you get back to your normal routine, trust me when I say your body will naturally get back to what it was before without forcing it, without punishing it, and especially without depriving it. Number seven You don't need to start a fad diet. Quick fixes. Lead to quicker results, but lead to you losing the results just as quickly. Long term results take time, but they last long term. Right. That's what you want. You want to work hard so that you actually have the results last. So do it the right way. Don't fall for these quick fixes and be patient with your results. If you're nourishing your body and moving your body consistently, you will see results. It's inevitable, but you just need to be patient. The amazing thing about weight loss is that it's not a race. You don't need to lose the weight instantaneously because no one is counting down until you lose the weight. You're not racing against anyone to lose the weight. You don't have a deadline for losing the weight. Don't give yourself a deadline for losing the way. I think that that can be very toxic and that can turn into unrealistic expectations. Allow yourself to lose the weight when the weight comes off naturally through movement and nourishment. Now it does. This doesn't mean that you can't have goals. Of course you can have goals. Of course you can push towards that. And one thing that I talk about consistently on this podcast is the consistency calendar. I think that that can be a great method in terms of just tracking your overall consistency. So getting a calendar and then axing out the days of the month that you are staying consistent with moving your body or staying consistent with nourishing your body and hydrating your body. You can even throw sleep in there if you, you know, 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If you've got that you can have and then look back at the calendar and be like, man, you know, I was 70% of the month was consistent and that is a great way to track so that you are staying motivated, but you're not so much going into all of the metrics because again, that can feel discouraging. It can feel defeating sometimes. So again, just be patient. Be patient, be patient. I cannot say that enough. Which leads me to my next and final point, which is number eight. It is not a race to lose your holiday weight. You are not racing anyone to lose your way as quickly as possible. No one is timing you. No one is keeping track. So don't feel like you need to rush the process and take these extreme measures in order to do so. Here's my advice to you. Focus on establishing habits that you can see yourself doing for six, eight, ten years from now. Like seriously, six, eight, ten years from now. Ask yourself of what you're doing or what you plan to do is something that you can do. If so, follow through with it. If not, rethink that plan. If you can't picture yourself, you know, cutting carbs out or doing 2 hours of cardio six times per week consistently for the next six, eight, ten years, it's not a habit that you should embark on now, building the body that you want and maintaining it long term requires you to establish healthy habits that you can easily stick to long term. It's about making it a lifestyle, establishing a lifestyle that you enjoy, not one where you feel deprived and with the lasting change requires consistent effort. Achieving long term results often requires consistent effort over a long period of time. Quick fixes. On the other hand, they often provide temporary results that are not sustainable in the long term. Quick fixes often involve very unhealthy or unrealistic strategies that are just not sustainable in the long term. So remember, it's not a race. Be consistent, be patient and trust the process. So let me quickly recap those eight holiday reminders that I think you might need to hear today. Number one, sometimes it's okay to choose memories over macros. Number two, enjoy the holidays as long as it feels good. Number three, step into feeling confident in who you are. Number four, take a moment to express gratitude for who you are and what you have right now. Number five Don't think about punishing yourself for everything you eat today or for everything that you ate throughout the holidays. Number six Focus on getting back to your normal routine and not making up for the damage that you think you did. Number seven You do not need to start a fad diet. And lastly, number eight, it is not a race to lose your holiday weight. As you know, my number one piece of advice is to not hop on the fad diet train. So if you want to start honoring your body with movement, nourishing your body with what it needs, I do have tools for you. I have a macro accounting made simple online academy. This is not a fad diet. It's not going to be something that is unrealistic. Instead, we are teaching you how much to properly fuel your body so that you can do so without deprivation, without punishment, without fad diets. So if you want to learn more about that, you can go to macro counting made simple dot com. I also have a moment with Julie program, which is five brand new workouts that come out every single week. Dharma only workouts. There is lower body, upper body cardio and core shoulders and glutes and full body, and there are 30 and 60 minute workout options for every single workout video, demos for every single exercise, as well as alternate exercises. So no bench body weight, easier, low impact. So it is great for all fitness levels. If you want to learn more and join that, you can go to. Al that's Sally that moment with Juliet dot com. I will be sure to link both of those that you can easily go check those out after this episode. I also have an episode to 95 eight ways to enter the New Year successfully that I will link in the show notes. I think that that episode will be really helpful for you. Again, just giving you the tools, the tangible tools that you need to go into the new year. So be sure to check all of those things out in the show notes. If you have a friend, a coworker, a sister, someone in your life that you feel like could really benefit from this specific episode or this podcast in general. I just ask that you share it out with them. You can copy the links and add to them in a text message. You can also screenshot this and post it up on your Instagram story. But that is all that I have for today's episode. I love you so much. I mean it and I'll talk to you next on. [00:16:10][941.1]

[00:16:16] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram. [00:16:24][8.3]

[00:16:24] Be sure to do so. Julie, A led better. Yes. It's with an A in the. [00:16:27][3.1]

[00:16:27] Middle for that daily post workout. Real talk. Healthy tips and tricks and honest. [00:16:32][5.0]

[00:16:33] Accountability to keep your mind. [00:16:34][1.1]

[00:16:34] And heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. [00:16:45][10.4]

[00:16:45] And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are. [00:16:51][5.5]

[00:16:51] Completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it. [00:16:51][0.0]